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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pro Stock

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does anyone know any good sites or dealers that sell pro stock gloves and sticks(besides ebay)?? any that have them in stock right now?? i also posted a new topic in the BUY thread so feel free to reply there if you have anything to sell, thanks much

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i kinda figured chadd but hey its worth a shot. ummmm on a side note chadd, my brothers jr team is getting some custom xxx gloves, i guess he said theyre on back order now because the nhl, ncaa, ahl, etc are putting in all of their orders, is there any truth to this?

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i kinda figured chadd but hey its worth a shot. ummmm on a side note chadd, my brothers jr team is getting some custom xxx gloves, i guess he said theyre on back order now because the nhl, ncaa, ahl, etc are putting in all of their orders, is there any truth to this?

I would imagine it's true. I know it takes longer with the brands I deal with at this time of year.

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hockey exchange have a crap load of pro return easton gloves in nylon and leather, all 90 nylon, 100 leather (cdn dollars)

do they have a website?

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Whoever finds out, please let me know which gloves they have. The PLD 3300/4400 are very nice but I am more interested in a nylon 1st generation Z-Air - the one that looked like a lobster.

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sundinleafs, my mistake those are the not the same as the morrisons i have. the only difference is that the cuffs are more rigid on the morrisons, and they have one more -- (is it called a "roll") on the gloves, so theres 4 "rolls" instead of the 3 on kariyas.

but i agree totally, they are my best pair ever. they still have a bunch of them at the sports exchange in nylon and leather.

jr, i'll give you their stock, i think i remember them from the back of my head.

1 black nylon morrison style

1 edmonton pisani leather morrison style (with digipalm)

1 edmonton iginla style nylon with extra long cuffs

1 anahime leather morrison style

1 nyrangers iginla style leather with normal cuffs

i konw they have two or more but i just can't recall what they are



i hope i aint breaking any copyright laws

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we have pro stock vector 110s up now if your interested all in left only


*might not work for people in canada since the site now redirects you to the site in which country you live in, so if you live in canada it takes you to canada or if you live anywhere else, to the us/international.*

i saw those last time i was over at the shop. too bad im a righty. although that ryder xx looks mighty tempting

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