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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Jason Harris

Righthanded or lefthanded shot?

Side you shoot from? Area you live?  

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I didn't quite find this poll in the search. I've seen polls asking whether people shoot the same direction as their dominant hand, but I want to know whether there are regional tendencies.

I've heard Canadians tend to be 60/40 LH to RH, while Americans tend to be 60/40 RH to LH. But that could be just a myth. Also, I'm curious if Europeans tend to choose one direction more than another.

So, please mark which direction you shoot, plus your region. For non-Europeans or non-North Americans, you can just choose "Better Half" as your region.

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I play hockey right handed and live in the US, but the wierd thing is is that I am half and half lefty and righty. I throw, bowl and write left handed but play tennis, hockey, and hit in baseball all righty

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Canadians tend to be 60/40 LH to RH, while Americans tend to be 40/60 RH to LH

Just stating that your ratios are exactly the same, but I'm sure people knew what you meant. BTW I'm right-handed and American.

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I'm a righty and i shoot righty, but i didnt seem to see Australia in the poll ;) ..

We arn't that far down under, are we ?

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left handed and shoot right from canada....i think 85% of the time...if your best hand is the left you will shoot right if it the right handed then ou will shoot left...

as a stat...i'm doing a camp for a hockey team...on 50 if my memory serve me...i heard the coach saying they were 7 right handed...

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I play hockey right handed and live in the US, but the wierd thing is is that I am half and half lefty and righty. I throw, bowl and write left handed but play tennis, hockey, and hit in baseball all righty

Exact same as you except tennis.

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Canadians tend to be 60/40 LH to RH, while Americans tend to be 40/60 RH to LH

Just stating that your ratios are exactly the same, but I'm sure people knew what you meant. BTW I'm right-handed and American.

Doh! :o

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Shoot left, write with my right hand, golf right, kick left, throw left/ catch right - but when I played goal in hockey I caught with my left hand :angry:, bat left, bowl right. I'm all over the place.

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RH, everything righty.

Grew up and live in Germany, Europe.

In Germany the righty ration is 15% at best. Nothing but lefties here.

I've read somewhere that US-americans are over-proportionally righty because they grow up with other batting sports (baseball) that teach them to bat right. No idea if it's true.

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What's the better half? :rolleyes:

I'm a righty, same as WHBD... unless it's half of connecticut or something. :P

Yeah, I write left handed, and everything else is righthanded. But I can hit switch in baseball and get about the same batting average. (.000) ;)

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