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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Jason Harris

Righthanded or lefthanded shot?

Side you shoot from? Area you live?  

238 members have voted

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28 RH versus 19 LH was not what I was expecting for Canadians. I had always heard Canadians were lefties.

I'm betting if you did a larger poll amount, it might be more beneficial to what you're looking for.

I agree, it's not a large enough sampling to be accurate.

Maybe the ratio is accurate for the sample: Canadian hockey players who are gear heads.

Also, I think hockey is not the first sport that Canadians pick up nowadays as much as it used to be.

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I agree it's not a large enough sampling, but I'm surprised nonetheless.

I heard an interesting theory from someone today on why he believes the Canadians might have been more left handed in the past. He suggested that thirty, forty or fifty years ago, the Canadians weren't as much into ball sports as Americans. He said the big sports for Canadians would have been hockey and soccer, so the generational bias of batting or golfing righty wouldn't have been passed down.

In that case, he said, if someone handed you a stick, in what hand would you take it? Your dominant hand, I said. Which means if you're righthanded, by default you would have become a lefthanded hockey player. Conversely, in America, batting righthanded was passed down by Dad because that's all he knew.

I think there may be a germ of truth to the theory.

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Raised in Europe: Shoot right (could do both, but LH is a noodle), bat both, throw both, write LH, I golf with whatever's available and can't stand the 'sport.'

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In the USA... I shoot, golf, bat, etc. lefty, but I play raquet sports and write with my right hand.

Project 824- I think the article you're thinking about was in USA Hockey magazine quite sometime ago.

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that's very interesting...

accoring to the poll so far.. about 2/3 are right handed.

but every time i go to a sale, the lefts run out first...

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Write RH, Hockey LH, Bat BOTH, Golf (Driving range) BOTH. Canadian.

In our store we always run out of Lefthanded sticks first.

When my friend started me on playing hockey (ballhockey)I was handed a right handed stick and kept on holding it the other way and did some crazy backhands! LOL We eventually realized I was a lefty and we curved the blade around.

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Write RH and Hockey RH. Everyone on my team is a righty!! I live in the Uk!

But when i went czech they said they teach the young hockey players to have there dominant hand on top. So there was more leftys over there. :blink:

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I'm an ambidextrous writer.

I feel comfortable playing LH or RH hockey, but play RH (feels a bit more comfy in shooting).

Bat/Golf, Tennis RH

Shoot firearms both RH and LH, but use a bow RH.

My son is 5. He is right handed and been playing LH.

My daughter is 3. She is right handed and been playing RH.


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I write with my Left Hand, Play football (soccer) and rugby with my left foot, if I was playing badminton or tennis I could probably switch either way but I play hockey right handed, think the reason I started doing this was because prior to starting playing hockey I had only played field hockey, and the sticks in that sport are right handed only, however I do find that I control the stick a lot more with my left hand when I'm stick handling and stuff.

By the way I live in England.

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I've played inlinehockey against teams from most of Europe.

And just about every country it's 60/40 to the lefty's, in GB it's 85-15 in favor of the Righty's. I've heard (from Brits) that it's because they play field hockey in school and there's only RH sticks, so they learn to shoot that way, can anybody confirm this?

The olympics is a good platform for watching shooting tendencies, and 60/40 LH is quite accurate. (Especially among the European teams competeing)

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