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Running the Goalie

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in beer leagues you dont do that , but in college we cant fight, so if i go hard to the net say from the wing and the d man pushes me and i lose the puck, im not slowing down

Exactly, except I play juniors. The fact is, I don't fight, and in our league it's all under 18 so we all wear cages...

What jr league do you play in that requires you to wear a cage. Where Im from all jr leagues except jr c and jr d are allowed to wear visors no matter how old as long as you wear a mouth guard with it.

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ive been pushed in by there own team many times, it think its funny i got pushed in and there team crowded around me like they where all gonna kick the living s**t outta me i just got up and smiled at them all and said your boys psuhed me in, then the ref came over and said that exact same thing.

ive never run the goalie on purpose, i once i sorta kicked the goalie in the melon i tryed to jump over him but i didnt wuite clear him i went over and appogized because i felt bad.

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in beer leagues you dont do that , but in college we cant fight, so if i go hard to the net say from the wing and the d man pushes me and i lose the puck, im not slowing down

Exactly, except I play juniors. The fact is, I don't fight, and in our league it's all under 18 so we all wear cages...

What jr league do you play in that requires you to wear a cage. Where Im from all jr leagues except jr c and jr d are allowed to wear visors no matter how old as long as you wear a mouth guard with it.

I'm wondering the same thing because around here were niot allowed to fight and we all wear cages (midget) but there is still tons of fights. You just rip the bucket off...

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in beer leagues you dont do that , but in college we cant fight, so if i go hard to the net say from the wing and the d man pushes me and i lose the puck, im not slowing down

Exactly, except I play juniors. The fact is, I don't fight, and in our league it's all under 18 so we all wear cages...

What jr league do you play in that requires you to wear a cage. Where Im from all jr leagues except jr c and jr d are allowed to wear visors no matter how old as long as you wear a mouth guard with it.

in the ejhl here in the states and other jr. a/jr.b leagues you need them. nowher ein canada do you need a cage except in jr.b where i think vijhl is the only league who allows a halfie

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Had a guy try to run the net on me before and was expecting it, so I braced for impact and hopped up from my butterfly just as he got to me. He ended up on the other side of the net and slammed into the boards with the wind knocked out of him. LOL People try that stuff on me all the time and they are the ones getting hurt and all I can do is laugh at them.

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If someone is hooking, slashing, cross checking or interfering with me on the way to the net, I'm going to run into the goalie, if someone is doing that I'm not going out of my way to dodge the goalie. When a goalie wants to fight I just say, "see your defenceman who pushed me into you buddy." It's not like I do it 100% of the time, maybe once or twice a game.

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in beer leagues you dont do that , but in college we cant fight, so if i go hard to the net say from the wing and the d man pushes me and i lose the puck, im not slowing down

Exactly, except I play juniors. The fact is, I don't fight, and in our league it's all under 18 so we all wear cages...

What jr league do you play in that requires you to wear a cage. Where Im from all jr leagues except jr c and jr d are allowed to wear visors no matter how old as long as you wear a mouth guard with it.

Jr. D??? That's the saddest thing I've ever heard. Why not just call it Midget or Bantam B?

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I never do it on purpose, but if I get shoved I'm not going to try too hard to stop myself. I've also gotten tripped going to the net and been sliding towards the goalie and not done too much to try to stop myself. Although thats bad cause the goalie basically lands on yourself many of the time, but it still gets him upset and off his game.

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I always crash the net after a shot. I never try to run over the goalie or injure him but I do poke at his pads to try and knock a rebound loose before the whistle. Sometimes I am lucky and can knock the puck loose to create a scoring chance for my team. Also, I find that doing this can irritate the goalie and defensemen and take them off of their game. I do agree though, that it is wrong to run at the goalie with the intent to injure.

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I must have an extremely level head, because no one has taken me out of my game or gotten me upset because they ran the net. I just smile and laugh; that usually has a greater effect on them and leaves me in a good mood. :P

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i think the only reason why someone would run the goalie is to get their ass kicked. honestly think about the gains of it and you see that there actually are zero. the losses are from getting shoved all the way to get tossed for a few games. in my opion there is absolutly not point to do it at all and who ever does it deserves the concequences that they get from doing it.

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i think the only reason why someone would run the goalie is to get their ass kicked. honestly think about the gains of it and you see that there actually are zero. the losses are from getting shoved all the way to get tossed for a few games. in my opion there is absolutly not point to do it at all and who ever does it deserves the concequences that they get from doing it.

Thats retarded. So your saying there is no reason to go to the net looking for rebounds or loose pucks after a shot taken by you or a teammate? Theres no point in going to the net and making the goalie freeze the puck for an offensive zone faceoff? Theres no point letting yourself bump the goalie if you were shoved into him? Hell most times when I get pushed into the goalie the other team then tries to fight me for it and THEY end up taking a penalty, PLUS I got a little nudge in on the goalie which takes him off his game in alot of instances, so they just double wammied themselves. And to top it off, why do you think their are fighters? Part of the reason those guys have jobs is to fight and give the team a lift and a spark when its needed. Go to the net, get in a fight and get your teammates fired up when your in the third period with less than 10 minutes to go. A little scrum with matching minors fires up the kids on my team atleast a little bit. Our captain got in a fight at the end of a game a few weeks ago, thrown out and suspended for one game. We just played that team again last week and destroyed them. They were afraid to hit, wouldnt carry the puck, and we had 2 people parked infront of their net all day long. His game suspension = well worth it. Try it.

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It is one thing to drive to the net and look for rebounds. It is totally different to actually run the goalie. My old HS team was very good about looking for rebounds. You keep at it until the ref blows the whistle. Then you hope one of the Dmen gets a little mad and gets a penalty, but you don't run the goalie. If you get pushed intp the goalie thats fine, but to actually go looking for a chance to hit the gaolie is just plain stupid.

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Unless you get pushed into the tender or you just reallly really need to work on your stopping or the tender comes out a little to far, there really is no reason why you cant crash the net and look for rebounds and stay off the tender. Unless you mean to do it in which case your asking for an ass kicking like someone stated earlier.

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I have never understood why the goalie was so paranoid about being run into? Obviously the rules say you can't plow them, but come on--the goaltender is the most protected and padded up player on the ice. Now, I've never played goal before, but I just don't buy the idea that they are so fragile. I am old, wear as little padding as possible, and when I get creamed it only hurts a little. If I had all that goal crap on I think i could take a little bump now and then.

So for me, I won't purposly ever run a goalie--serves no purpose. But if the goalie gets wild with that hatchet of a stick on my legs or something, he or she is getting a whack back.

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i never go out on a shift and think "man i gonna kill the goalie this shift." but i go to the net hard and if hes in my way its his fault. i play the puck untill the whistle too. it draws a lot of penatlies because the other tean will try to punch you. im not an a-hole about it, i dont intend to hurt they goalie, but im trying to score and he has pads on

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I used to have a goalie who had a full grown beard and he was a monster. He had the beer keg and everything. Well he moved to our town, and when we faced his old town, he got ran. The guy fell on his ass and got two for unsportsmanlike.

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got tied up by 2 guys goin on a breakaway so i couldnt stop

goalie came out to smother the puck so i just ran him over and the puck went in the net

never seen a goalie so pissed

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Jr. D??? That's the saddest thing I've ever heard. Why not just call it Midget or Bantam B?

but dude..I'm playing Jr's...haha

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If someone is hooking, slashing, cross checking or interfering with me on the way to the net, I'm going to run into the goalie, if someone is doing that I'm not going out of my way to dodge the goalie. When a goalie wants to fight I just say, "see your defenceman who pushed me into you buddy." It's not like I do it 100% of the time, maybe once or twice a game.

And you're the type of guy I send to the box. You have to make an attempt to avoid the goalie.

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I never run the goalie, but in my roller league, when the goalie covers it and you skate up to the goalie looking for a loose puck or anything, the defenders try to protect their keepers by cross checking me, and pushing me onto his back....

doesnt make sense to me!

hey have you got a link to the malarchuck clip?

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We had a pretty big fight from that. Our goalie snapped and he ened up having a one on one with the player. That guy got ran by like 3 of our guys and he didnt play the rest of the game. It lasted like 10 minutes.

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