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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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warrior hockey

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I read it quickly and basically it said there will be four initial offerings one being a updated true one. There will be a special edition stick by year end and not a ton of detail.

They did bring alot of Easton peeople over and seem to be offering some cool ideas like"kung fu grip"

Sorry not much more but it sounds pretty good.

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ah this could be pretty good...looking forward to it...competition is always good for constumer!!:P give more choice...

By the way...i heard RBK had some guys taked from Easton...and Warrior too?? anybody found that weird...every compagny whant to have easton guys...

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By the way...i heard RBK had some guys taked from Easton...and Warrior too?? anybody found that weird...every compagny whant to have easton guys...

The Warrior situation was a little different...and messier to boot.

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Anyone know if they have established area sales reps yet? I wrote them as soon as the word came out asking for new retailer acct info. Haven't got any reply yet.

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Maybe this will help. The article said that they do not want to over saturate the market and will be selective as to who sells their product. They mentioned stores that allready sell warrior lacross as priorities.

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Another tidbit though I only scanned the article at the newstand, their top end stick will be called the"mack daddy" and this will retail for $289.00 Canadian I think!

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They did bring alot of Easton peeople over and seem to be offering some cool ideas like"kung fu grip".

There aren't many ways to change a grip, so I wonder how close it will be to the Oggie Grip?

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They did bring alot of Easton peeople over and seem to be offering some cool ideas like"kung fu grip".

There aren't many ways to change a grip, so I wonder how close it will be to the Oggie Grip?

Jason,I think he meant a shaft type of grip,you could be right though.By the way I saw a couple ads in the latest USA Hockey Mag, for Oggie Grip.

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Kinda Off topic .but i know INNO offer it... do the shaft handle on a stick matter?? you know the boron spine...which your suppose to choose the side you are playing...

Do they really help or it more BS...

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Another tidbit though I only scanned the article at the newstand, their top end stick will be called the"mack daddy" and this will retail for $289.00 Canadian I think!

Funny, they have Mack Daddy gloves which are around that price too (for lax)..

Garbage gloves btw

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Great...same Inno business approach :rolleyes:

Then they won't be a real "player" in the market. If they were more widely available they would lose a lot of their appeal.

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Maybe this will help. The article said that they do not want to over saturate the market and will be selective as to who sells their product. They mentioned stores that allready sell warrior lacross as priorities.

So that leaves most hockey pro shops and LHS's out of the loop, and only the "box" stores will have it. Yup, just what I want some off the street teenager selling hockey equipment. Not a good business approach IMHO.

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The article says that their website: (www.warriorhockey.com) is coming soon.

Well, if you try that URL now it reroutes you to warriorhockey.org which is the homepage for the Merrimack hockey team.


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Maybe this will help. The article said that they do not want to over saturate the market and will be selective as to who sells their product. They mentioned stores that allready sell warrior lacross as priorities.

So that leaves most hockey pro shops and LHS's out of the loop, and only the "box" stores will have it. Yup, just what I want some off the street teenager selling hockey equipment. Not a good business approach IMHO.


i'm in detroit and INNO is sold at peranis only. they are the only shop that i know of that sells INNO. btw they also sell warrior lax gear. peranis is hockey/lax only and they sre not a "big box" store.

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