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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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warrior hockey

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An oligopoly exists in a market where there aren't many sellers and the actions of one firm can affect prices and competitors.

edit: Under perfect competition, no single firm can affect prices or how other firms act.

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My degree is in aeronautics, that ooglioply thing really thru me a curve!

Yes, I'm surviving quite well without one of the big 3 as Darkstar has said. Loyal customers will quickly change their mind if a comparable item will fit their needs. Still, as a retailer I would like more choices, more competition is always better, makes sales reps work harder and companies work harder as well. I recently stopped buying major purchases from a local wholesaler. Seems he never had much in stock, never shipped same day, no close customer service. I could drop him because I had several other choices where to get same products. In a oolopoly (LOL) quality goes down, eg the US car market in the 70's allowing the Japanese takover.

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Very true. In the olgioisntthisahockeyforumpoly, where only one entity controls the market and no natural competition exits, technology, prices, etc, become stagnant. It is with competition that, in our case, hockey equipment will be at its best, and for the best prices.

Look at the one-piece market specifically. They came out a few years ago, and they were ok. But now everyone has a one-piece, even Don Cherry! So now you can get a good one peice for around 150 bucks. They are getting lighter and stronger (even though some may disagree). But if only one company had the whole market, and there was no competition, we'd all be paying 180 for a first generation Busch-Itech Balance or Easton Synergy.

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Yeah that looks the graphics of the "Dolomite" shaft that Bouce told us about.

I'm seeing alot of RBK and CCM Vector sticks this year. I thought the V130 was junk, but alot of guys seem to be using them. There's a few RBK-CCM sticks just in that picture alone. For the past few years you would look at a stick rack and see mostly Easton lumber...I like to see the mixing this year.

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Yeah that looks the graphics of the "Dolomite" shaft that Bouce told us about.

I'm seeing alot of RBK and CCM Vector sticks this year. I thought the V130 was junk, but alot of guys seem to be using them. There's a few RBK-CCM sticks just in that picture alone. For the past few years you would look at a stick rack and see mostly Easton lumber...I like to see the mixing this year.

It will be interesting to see how many of the former AHL guys stick with the RBK/CCM sticks. If enough guys decide to stick with them, the AHL deal will have paid off.

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An oligopoly exists in a market where there aren't many sellers and the actions of one firm can affect prices and competitors.

edit: Under perfect competition, no single firm can affect prices or how other firms act.

but that depends on who is the price maker and who is the price taker

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Ohh good call Chadd...I totally forgot about the CCM/RBK deal the AHL had last season. Makes total sense as to why all these guys are using these sticks now.

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FIRST OFF: I'm going to fully admit I'm lazy as I type this (in that I don't want to go through 6 pages to see if someone already covered this or not), but Doug Weight (St. Louis) is using a Warrior stick.

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Warrior Hockey has signed Doug Weight of the St. Louis Blues to an endorsement contract. He is using the DOLOMITE model stick. This is the first of many signings the company plans on making with a variety of NHL players. Warrior Hockey will also have a holiday product release sold into selected retail accounts. The STARSKIE model stick will be a limited edition with POP’s going up shortly in these retail accounts. Several NHL players will be using this stick.

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