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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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S500 Question

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On my S500's the tendon guard is ripping and making it very flimsy. I play alot and fear it will get worse and affect my skating does anyone have any suggestions on how to fix this? thanks.

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Are you going around the ankles with your laces? If so, you should stop. That's the biggest cause of the tendon guard ripping that I have seen on the missions.

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same thing is happening to mine, only skated on them for about 3 weeks, the outsole is shredded near the inside left toe, all the stiching is coming out near both toes, and the tendon guards are both probably 15% detached. I noticed this just happeded from leaning back a little when gliding during PK practice.

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After a year and a half in mine there was a little bit of ripping at the base of the tendon guard so I took mine to a shoe repair shop. $10 and 3 days later the problem was resolved.

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Can anyone post a pic of a ripped/broken tendon guard on the S500? I bought a pair recently and have had about 15 skates in them. They're fine so far, and I don't wrap the laces, but I just would like to know what to look out for or where to watch for weakness back there. Thanks.

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Can anyone post a pic of a ripped/broken tendon guard on the S500? I bought a pair recently and have had about 15 skates in them. They're fine so far, and I don't wrap the laces, but I just would like to know what to look out for or where to watch for weakness back there. Thanks.

On the 2004 models, there was a chance of the seam coming apart just in front of the tendon guard. If you skate on your heels, it increases the chances of this hapening. I see it on guys who play defense and sit back on their heels while going backwards more than anything else.

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Chadd, I took mine to a shoe repair shop and had them sewed but it didn't seem to fix the problem in the long run how was your stitched? mine seems to be comming out and my parents say getting it done again would make it rip more cuase of all the holes in the material.

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He added a piece of leather that wraps around the base of the tendon guard and is sewn in place on the sides and back. I'll post pics when I get home.

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As I understand it - one of the key factors contributing to this is the tendon guard stiffener not extending that low in the boot - a'la older Bauers which also experienced these type of problems.

From what I've been told the best way to try and avoid this problem is to be sure to unlace the boot so that you are able to get your foot out easily. I'm lead to understand that a large contributing factor to this is some peoples penchant for not unlacing and "reefing" on the tendon guard to get the skate off.

It may not completely negate the problem, but could extend the life cycle before it happens.

EDIT: As a point of note - I have been skating in S500's for a year and have not experienced this issue - I have always (even before these skates) unlaced so that I can literally "step out" of my skate however.

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As I understand it - one of the key factors contributing to this is the tendon guard stiffener not extending that low in the boot - a'la older Bauers which also experienced these type of problems.

From what I've been told the best way to try and avoid this problem is to be sure to unlace the boot so that you are able to get your foot out easily. I'm lead to understand that a large contributing factor to this is some peoples penchant for not unlacing and "reefing" on the tendon guard to get the skate off.

It may not completely negate the problem, but could extend the life cycle before it happens.

EDIT: As a point of note - I have been skating in S500's for a year and have not experienced this issue - I have always (even before these skates) unlaced so that I can literally "step out" of my skate however.

While doing what you describe will cause the same type of damage on any skate, every player who has had that problem around here has been a defenseman with thicker legs. Forwards or kids with twigs for legs don't ever seem to have that problem.

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Sorry to bring back an old thread, but it's now happened to my 2004 S500s -- which are about three months old. :angry: It happened in tonight's pretty mellow practice, as I've been inspecting them after every use. Since I knew this was a potential problem, right from when I bought them I've been ultra-careful unlacing all the way down, so the skates slide right off. I play forward, have the pitch set at neutral, and have pretty skinny ankles/legs. And, I *don't* wrap the laces (and I keep shinguards outside of the tongues, if that would make any difference...).

Here's pics. I've seen someone else's S400s with this problem, and his were pretty well mashed in, but he wraps his laces. Mine are just cracked, but I can see how it can get worse.

So is this what others have experienced with theirs? And does anyone know if this the kind of defect is covered under warranty, and will the 2005 S500s eliminate this problem?

First skate:


Other skate:


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I find it very dishearting when you spend four to six hundred dollars on a top end skate and you end up with something as ridiculous as a tendon guard that rips or comes apart. I know CCM had the same problem with their 03/ 952 Tacks. I think the manufacturer should repair them free of charge or simply replace the skates with skates that have had the problem resolved. Thats a lot of money for the average guy and skates should last you at least a couple of seasons with no major problems. Are you listening Hockey Equipment Manufacturers? :huh:

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Same with my 04 airs. The tendon guard material split on the seam at the top. Its ridiculus. Im with bauers this year. :)

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Same exact thing on mine. I found it worse on the s400s than the s500s. I dont know why mission couldnt of used the material were they wrote "mission" were the rips are at :huh: . O well, I just think of it as a natural part of skate wear and it doesnt affect my skating so i dont have a problem with it. If they were 1 inch slits in the tendon gaurd id be pissed but since there 1 cm im not gonna blow a testical.

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We will replace skates with torn tendon guards....We had an issue with a piece of anti-tear material that was left out of the skate...It has since been added (we actually added two layers to make sure it didn't happen again)....

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We will replace skates with torn tendon guards....We had an issue with a piece of anti-tear material that was left out of the skate...It has since been added (we actually added two layers to make sure it didn't happen again)....

Does that apply to the S300 as well? I'm just curious as mine have torn in the same spot.

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any skate with a torn tendon will be replaced or fixed...

Hey Justin.

I live in Russia, Moscow. I have bought 5 months ago S500 2004. On both skates tendon guard is ripped. BTW, Mission cannot change skates on territories of Russia? How to me solve that problem? :blink:


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Like I said. The Airs are a top end Easton product, you'd think they wouldn't scimp on something as chinsey as material for the skate in such an obvious location. Not a real smart action on their part. Hope you went to the Bauer Supremes or 8090's because still having durability issues with their Vapor line. ;)

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I'm very glad to see Mission standing behind their product. Well done guys! I will definitely consider Missions for my next pair of skates. :P

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My coach has some custom s500's with a diffrent material on the tendon gaurd that doesnt seem to rip. Sweet skates. Got some other lil nick nacks like the sensory 2 outsole and a diffrent tounge n stuff.

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