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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Flyweight shaft, how is the balance?

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Hi guys,

I searched but couldn"t find anything beside how the flax rating work...

How do these shaft match compared to other tapered shaft in the market??



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Are you talking about the meta or bio shaped shaft? The bio is a great tapered shaft. Extremely light and performance comparable to any high end tapered shaft on the market today. Mission knew their stuff back in the day. It's my backup now since I got a SL but I would definately still be using it if I didn't get it.

The bio is something special though. I feel that I have a lot of control over the shaft because it's so light and so thin. Very durable too. Mine lasted about 3 years before a slapshot hit it dead center and cracked it. As already said, you do need to find a blade that's very light if you're worried about balance. Something like a synthesis or xv would probably be good. I still have mine sitting in my room. I've had a lot of inquiries about selling it but I just can't give it up. It's one of those timeless classic shafts like the T-Flex or Ultralite.

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Really...is the T-FLEX light too?? I'm looking for LIGHT SHAFT (like my r2xn10)

So theire a difference in weight between the 2 models..?? i touhht it was just the handle!

Thanks guys!

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I believe I weighed my Meta Flyweight with a wood blade at 445g taped. That's real weight - no 20g additions...

Damn, that is impressive. My novius/christian tapered woodie combo weighs in at 529 grams taped. I'd ask if anyone has a flyweight they want to part with, but that would probably be pretty futile.

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The XN10 Red Lite Composite Shaft in intermediate weighs only 225 grams and 250 in senior. So with a z-carbon blade, in intermediate it would weigh only 380 grams! thats less than a int stealth! Has anyone tried this combo?

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i dont know how tps weighs their sticks, but when i weighed it with a commercial grade scale...

at 45" the sr redlite xn10 will weigh 250g (no tape, no plugs)

so at 48" it should weigh about 270g (no tape, no plugs)

easton cyclones are 270g as well

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The XN10 Red Lite Composite Shaft in intermediate weighs only 225 grams and 250 in senior. So with a z-carbon blade, in intermediate it would weigh only 380 grams! thats less than a int stealth! Has anyone tried this combo?

z carbon is 160 grams liszted i think, cuz my synthesis is 155

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I believe I weighed my Meta Flyweight with a wood blade at 445g taped. That's real weight - no 20g additions...

What flex do you use JR? And did you ever weigh just the shaft?

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The XN10 Red Lite Composite Shaft in intermediate weighs only 225 grams and 250 in senior. So with a z-carbon blade, in intermediate it would weigh only 380 grams! thats less than a int stealth! Has anyone tried this combo?

Actually an Int. Stealth is listed at 380 grams but that's probably exaggerated by Easton by like 20 grams. Damn that combo is light.

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Damn...anyone know why in like 2000( i dont know when tehy both caim out)..Like 2-3 year later Synthesis is heavier and L-2 too...

i would think by year you can perfect your stuff!!

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i have been looking to find one of these flyweight shafts and havent found a single site that has them do any of you guys know where i can find one


JR bought all of them, you won't find any other one on the market.

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doubt it.

Yeah, it's not like they keep track of everything they have.

Sad thing is I remember before I started coming here I saw a TON of mission flyweights for sale dirt ass cheap. This was about 2 years ago, they were selling them with blades for like 30 bucks.

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