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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Rbk sticks?

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What is the stick seen in this picture below? It looks like it says 3K on it, but why would an NHL'er use a low end stick (since it says Reebok and not Rbk)? And there aren't even any 3K sticks to be found at rbkhockey.com anyway, just a blade with that name.

And while on this topic, I've seen a Rbk stick called Rbk XK (not Reebok but Rbk) at a store some weeks ago, what is this stick? It was very cheap compared to the top models, so it's probably a lower end stick. Has anyone heard of those before or is it possibly a SMU?


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It looks like a woodie. Also maybe using low end because even in preseason you dont get free stuff yet, so thats all he has or he just likes it and doesnt need a top end stick.

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Thats the highest model Reebok wooden stick.


Oh okay. It's a bit weird though, I can't seem to find anything about their wood sticks on their own website, only the OPS, shafts and blades.

Because they dont have as big of market for woodies as they would for OPS?

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I've been selling quite a few of the 3k woodies. They are not cheaply made or cheaply priced. A good quality wood stick. I have noticed though that the Pronger curve on them is way different than on the OPS. Wierd enough to scare folks from buying it.

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What kind of skates is Perreault wearing in that pic?

Also, I recall last year when Perreault was with Montreal he used cheap Jofa wooden sticks, so he is probably an old school guy :)

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Isn't he still rocking the Daousts?

No last time I saw him he had Bauer, I can't remember what kind of bauer thought.

Edit: To add, he ran out of Daoust so he had to find another similar skates.

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What are those clear things on Dunham's bottom pads (infront of skates) called/are? I have never seen them before but I guess they protect the skates or deflect the puck better?

Those aren't clear or plastic. The leather just matches the rest of his pad in pattern. Those are the toe cap, it allows the pad to sit on the skate, without the skate like coming too far through I guess.

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I have the 5k shaft now. It's pretty darn good. Very light, and I totally dig the Snake Grip. I'm not fan of the really tacky grips out there, yet I love the sandpaper grip on my Inno 1100 shaft. The shaft is very light, good snap. I really have nothing bad to say about it. I had a Focus Flex blade in it for a few games, but it was wayyyy too whippy. So I put a Bauer Vapor X blade in, and it's much better.

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Isn't he still rocking the Daousts?

No last time I saw him he had Bauer, I can't remember what kind of bauer thought.

Edit: To add, he ran out of Daoust so he had to find another similar skates.

i heard the same story on RDS...that old school lol!:P

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