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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Thinnest shaft dimensions

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The tps pro-radius is pretty small I think especially the intermidiate version unless they are the same.

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yea that what i think too...stealth has the thinnest shaft i think...

SLs are pretty thin as well.

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Out of curiosity, what do companies do with the returned broken OPS? After examining them and all that stuff?

The number might be less than you think, since they are mostly receiving those that broke in the first 30 days.

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Out of curiosity, what do companies do with the returned broken OPS? After examining them and all that stuff?

The number might be less than you think, since they are mostly receiving those that broke in the first 30 days.

I've heard they generally get like a 15-20% return.

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That sounds WAY too high. We're way under that, and I have a heard time believing the other companies could make a profit if they were replacing every sixth stick.

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salming if you have the right...how much do cost a composite stick(OPS) to make??

or if any know...maybe big compagny cost less because they make ''mass-production''

We are paying 350cnd for a stealth here(or v130) and i'M pretty sure it dont even cost more than 50cnd to make this stick...

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That sounds WAY too high. We're way under that, and I have a heard time believing the other companies could make a profit if they were replacing every sixth stick.

Salming is the only brand shaft that I have not had to handle a warranty claim. My TPS just came in last week so they don't count.

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tps arent bad...i never saw a tps broking...except mine(r2xn10 broke because of a stupid slahing ...after 1 month but had a warrenty one) and still holding after 1 year...4time per weeks!

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tps arent bad...i never saw a tps broking...except mine(r2xn10 broke because of a stupid slahing ...after 1 month but had a warrenty one) and still holding after 1 year...4time per weeks!

I have used their sticks for years and have had no problems with the shafts.

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tps arent bad...i never saw a tps broking...except mine(r2xn10 broke because of a stupid slahing ...after 1 month but had a warrenty one) and still holding after 1 year...4time per weeks!

I have used their sticks for years and have had no problems with the shafts.

Same here Chadd,Ive used their shafts and blades,but the blades always crack after a month-2 month of use(especially OPS).

Ive never broken one of their shafts though.

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How about thinnest shaft that isnt weird shaped but just square ;)

I shouldve broadened my request

Try and grab a broken Stealth.

The stealth isn't that narrow. I have a Stealth end plug in a SiCore and it's only a little bit thinner.

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tps arent bad...i never saw a tps broking...except mine(r2xn10 broke because of a stupid slahing ...after 1 month but had a warrenty one) and still holding after 1 year...4time per weeks!

I have used their sticks for years and have had no problems with the shafts.

Really? I´ve have my R2 XN10 shaft for half a year now and I feel it dieing from session to session. It has gotten pretty "wobbly". I´m sure it´s not going to break from a shot but it has become too unstable and unreliable for slappers. That´s what it feels at least. Still I got to say that I am now using mainly TPS and their stuff is for sure not letting me down. Adrenaline, XN10, Redlite XN10, all good. Got to try an XN10 OPS as well I guess.

Edit: Talking about Salming. I saw one of their OPS for the first time today and must say I am impressed. The blades looked ultra thin (which I like) and the guy fired some solid shots (which he usually can´t :lol: ) Got to get a closer look next time

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That sounds WAY too high. We're way under that, and I have a heard time believing the other companies could make a profit if they were replacing every sixth stick.

That's because you make a quality stick. Other companies sticks are popular but they are crap. Sl is the aboslute worst! Everyone I've sold has not lasted the 30 days! Buyer beware.

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The Sr Inno 1100 shaft I just got has very thin dimensions. It's about the same, if not a little thinner, then my old pro radius TPS Rubber. I'm not sure what shape it is, but it is thin.

Edit: The Inno isn't very square though.

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