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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Michigan BC Game

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anyone know where to get one?

Part of the Bauer custom program from what I understand. Teams have a number of choices when ordering sticks. I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong.

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Look at the London Knights. They have all black Vapor XXX's order for the team. Look dirty, IMO.

doesnt beat the green ST's a few used last year,those were sick. yeah bauer does have a custom program for teams just some schools in canada cant afford it but its michigan they have tons of money,look at the helmets

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The Kitchener Rangers have the same thing, there is a pic of their black/red Vapor XX(X) in some visor thread from a few weeks ago. At first Patrick Davis only used it but from what I see during the replay of last night's game it appears a few more guys are using them.

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Look at the London Knights. They have all black Vapor XXX's order for the team. Look dirty, IMO.

Isn't that what they look like stock? :blink:

No, theyre navy blue and red.

The XXX's the Knights are using are all black with chrome X's and logos. Sick looking...

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What happend? Are they diffrent than the old 4000's?

they are regualr 4000s that they apply the logo to in much the same way as the football team does. the "wings" started in the '40s or '50s. it was designed to help the quarterback identify his receivers and it just stuck as the symbol of UM football.

btw i like them

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What happend? Are they diffrent than the old 4000's?

they are regualr 4000s that they apply the logo to in much the same way as the football team does. the "wings" started in the '40s or '50s. it was designed to help the quarterback identify his receivers and it just stuck as the symbol of UM football.

btw i like them

Yea i knew that i just thought the changed helmet models. I think the helmets look sweet.

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it looks like they are all using 4000s with ugly ass bauer cages, um i couldve sworn that i had saw u of m players using other BNH lids, uh on a side note, is kessel using his carbster or another lid at minny?

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um i couldve sworn that i had saw u of m players using other BNH lids

I know there were a few guys a couple years ago who were wearing 5000s (Andy Burnes comes to mind).

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About the Vapor OPS at the D-1 level: there is a custom program for team graphics that the D-1 schools were offered during Spring 05 buying season. There are 30 custom color combinations available. NBH will be offering FLD accounts the custom color make-ups on 2006 booking orders only with a minimum quantity for booking. The minimum quantity is not outrageous but its not like just 3 dozen. I have seen all 30 patterns and they look awesome.

Now be aware that not every Vapor XXX that you see at the D-1 level is a OPS. My friend is the Director of Hockey Operations at West Point, United States Military Academy. He purchased custom make up Vapor XXX shafts in team colors that when set up with a replaceable blade look as if they are a OPS!! Pretty neat stuff!!

As far as Michigan and money goes, if your Athletic Director budgets $300,000 for purchasing equipment, its not what school you are from, its just pay the invoices and the service will be there from the vendors.

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