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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Here's my current knob.


That is EXACTLY like mine, the knob size is exact but my tape extends down to my shaft around 6 inches.

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Tucker knob = Take a roll of tape, unravel about 2.5 - 3 ft. Twist untill it looks like rope. Wrap down 2 times, and keep wrapping around untill the 3ft of tape is done. Then make the little twirls with twisted tape like i said before. Wrap all this with tape. Power Grip it, and ta-da a brand new Tucker tape job!

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I use a knob about a 1/4 of an inch higher than the rest of the tape, then cover it with some powerflex, goes down about 7-8 inches.

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I wheelbarrow my handle down so it's rounded, but I'm thinking of going to the old school Bruce Driver handle.

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I have 2 styles i like to do

1. Knobbed

Knob: Wrapped 7-8 Times, then taped about 20-25 CM Shaft.

2. Tapered

Start: Wrap shaft about 10 cm down twice

2nd: Top to 3/4 of 10 CM once

3rd: Top to 5cm once

4th: Top to shaft down 10cm once again to cover the other tape cut points.

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i hardly use a knob at all. i just make the slightest, skinniest knob at the top...just taking normal stick tape, spinning it 'round so it creates a small string like, then wrap that around the top once or twice to make the knob...then i do a 6 inch wrap of grip tape over that.

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