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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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If you were an NHL'er

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If you were an nhl'er and you could wear any kit you want what would be your lineup?

For me id have Bauer XXX skates, Bauer 5000 helmet, Eagle gloves, and as many Easton ST sticks as im aloud :D

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KOR skates, the new Mission helmet, Bauer XXX custom fit gloves, and several Bauer, RBK, and TPS OPS to choose from. Oh yeah.

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graf 703's with teclite siding...vapor xxx sticks and innovative novius shafts...jofa protective gear...mission m-1 pants...either itech hc100 or new mission helmet...and then all nylon hgt's, or all nylon split finger eagles

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Bauer XXX skates (would try out the Rbk pump skates too), custom Easton gloves, Easton ST sticks (in the Swedish blue and yellow color scheme) and I'd stay loyal to the Jofa 690 bucket with Oakley visor as I like that one already.

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Whatever they paid me to wear/use, I have spray paint.

I think that about says it all. Excellent post!

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Vapor XXX skates

MIA gloves

Easton Synergy SL Grip sticks

Bauer 4000 helmet w/Oakley small straight visor

Jofa elbows and shins, Bauer Vapor 10 shoulders

Tackla 5000 Air Pants

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XXX's custom stiffend, bauer 8000 with oakley or itech pro weave visor, nylon/leather eagles color scheme like berts and mustang palms, and whatever OPS i want.

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Whatever they paid me to wear/use, I have spray paint.

thats for sure lol but id where bauers protective stuff with mission L5 pants. any OPS taht i wanted and XXX skates and gloves and the bauer 5000 helmet

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i would have xxx sticks, custom nylon hgt's, itech hc100 with a mirrored visor, top of the line nike protective, the franklin pants i have right now, i would have multiple pairs of skates, graf 735s great whites with lightspeeds, graf 703 opposite great whites with lightspeeds, vapor xxxs, and the new supreme one90s i would try also.

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Wow I dont know where to start. Maybe the rbk helmet, xxx gloves, stealth or sl...Id have to try everything.

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