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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Synergy II

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Anyone else see these yet? The rep dropped two 100 flexes into the shop the other week. Basically a reverse color scheme of the SL, all blue fading into silver. Looks sweet IMO. It weighs 300 grams though, leading me to believe its just a repainted synthesis although it does feel slightly more concave and better balanced.

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I thought somebody mentioned there would be a new tapered stick called Synthesis SL, and was gonna be basically an SL shape/weight kinda scheme.

I guess not, if you have the "Synergy 2" and it's 300 grams.

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I thought somebody mentioned there would be a new tapered stick called Synthesis SL, and was gonna be basically an SL shape/weight kinda scheme.

I guess not, if you have the "Synergy 2" and it's 300 grams.

Easton would never call a "Shaft" Synergy.

They would be confusing their product lines.

Synergy = 1 piece sticks

Sythnesis = Shaft/Blade combo

I think this is more than likely something along the lines of a Synthesis 2.

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I thought somebody mentioned there would be a new tapered stick called Synthesis SL, and was gonna be basically an SL shape/weight kinda scheme.

I guess not, if you have the "Synergy 2" and it's 300 grams.

Easton would never call a "Shaft" Synergy.

They would be confusing their product lines.

Synergy = 1 piece sticks

Sythnesis = Shaft/Blade combo

I think this is more than likely something along the lines of a Synthesis 2.

Perhaps they think it will sell better with the Synergy name on it.

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No, its called the synergy II. I have held the thing in my hands.

Very very interesting then.

I always believed they should have just called the whole line "Synergy".....maybe they're coming around to that too.

It's going to be interesting to see how shop owners and customers react.

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Like others have noticed though, I don't see many tapered Easton shafts around so it can't hurt sales to change the name. Even when I do, I notice more T-Flexes than anything.

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Cavs mentioned it seemed to be more concave, and better balanced...yet still 300 grams.

I was hoping they'd take the smaller shaft dimensions from the SL or Stealth and turn that into a 2piece.

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I just bought this stick and it does say Synergy II on it and the guy in the store told me this would be replacing the synthesis. I'll write something up after I use it this week on how it compares and if its an improvement. Oh and it was 100 bucks.

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we have one or two, like cavs said it's a synthesis's weight, but feels better balenced imo...though it may be the color. haha

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I will try to grab my roomates digital camera and get some pics tonight when i get home from work so you can all see it. I'll be using it tomorrow too so I will put a review of how it compares to the synth and I will agree the balance does feel a little better just messing around with it.

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