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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shooting with wood VS composite

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You'll shoot faster with wood, the shot will get off faster with composite.

Generally a little more accurate with comp as well as it doesn't have as much "give".

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thanks chadd...how much of a difference will i/should i notice with composite acuracy

just a random question what is spezza's sop's like length.curve.lie any info appreciated

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thanks chadd...how much of a difference will i/should i notice with composite acuracy

Any difference is theoretical. How many of us can hit the exact same spot with every shot? Tape a quarter to a wall and shoot pucks from 10 feet away, then see how many times in a row you can hit it with wood or comp.

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why does wood shoot harder?

Whip effect. It recoils when the puck is struck and snaps back through the puck when the wood rebounds.

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thats what i figured, but too soft would make you lose power if the puck left your blade before the blade was bending back.

I haven't used a wood blade for a while up untill recently, and i've noticed my shot has been harder with the wood.

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graphite "recoils" too

but as far as just shooting goes, more wood sticks may show up from the factory "dead" as compared to graphite...

theoretically, all the composite sticks would be identical

where as theoretically, every wood stick would be different, as you can't control mother nature, which could affect the wood...

but this is all theoretically as manufacturing defects will mess up this theory to some degree...

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Yes, graphite will be more consistent, but the blade is much harder than a wood blade, so you do not get that lag from the blade when the puck comes off the stick.

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Yes, graphite will be more consistent, but the blade is much harder than a wood blade, so you do not get that lag from the blade when the puck comes off the stick.

id agree to that..

but are we talkin entire wood sticks vs composite ops or

wood vs graphite blades??

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So if your shooting for raw MPH you would bust out a brand new woodie if i understand correct.

i remember a few years ago in an all star competition for the hardest slap shot, al macinnes hit the ice with an all wood stick which caught the eye of the television broadcasters since every other player on the ice was holding a peice of graphite. he of course, being al macinnes, won the contest with ease.

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So if your shooting for raw MPH you would bust out a brand new woodie if i understand correct.

i remember a few years ago in an all star competition for the hardest slap shot, al macinnes hit the ice with an all wood stick which caught the eye of the television broadcasters since every other player on the ice was holding a peice of graphite. he of course, being al macinnes, won the contest with ease.

Yes, I remember that too. I think that was the year Modano shattered his stick on his first shot...

Speaking of MacInnis, he didn't seem to have any trouble hitting the back of the net over his career...there was a brief period where he switched up to the TPS Response, and if I remember correctly, that period was his worst offensive output ever (I just made that last part about his worst offensive output up). Subsequently, he went back to wood sticks before getting dinged in the eye. We'll miss ya, Chopper.

In any event, since I am a mere mortal, I must use the shiniest, glossiest, most technologically advanced, fused with lowkick technology composite OPS on the market in order to make me a dangerous sniper, damn the costs. :rolleyes:

Actually, I use an 1100 and some woodies, and this post turned into a rambling mess.

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Some of the Responses they made for Al had metal inserts to reinforce the area where he was breaking them if I recall the stories correctly.

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so if we could afford a new woodie every game.. go with the woodie?

other wise composite?

to mess the thread up some more...

i have noticed less broken ops in the nhl...

new rules or better manufacturing? probably both

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When Sean Heins broke the slapshot speed record in the AHL all-star game (106, I seem to recall) they talked to Al McInnis and asked if he could ever do that. He said that he'd have to grow taller, get stronger, and buy the stiffest stick possible. This would seem to indicate stiffness is good for slappers, which is where Graphite excels - especially in the consistancy realm.

Al McInnis HAS used an OPS before (in fact, Martin Brodeuer asked him why he was using it as he already shot hard enough - Al was quoted as calling it old age insurance). In the end, the puck feel is better with wood (a natural resonance, if you will). Plus, theoretically, they last longer (of course, counter argument to that is that pro's have learned how to hit the stick just right to break it and you can tell when a wood is about to go out (and replace it) but not nesc with a graphite).

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After my Vector 130 shaft just got halved with a slash after 3 weeks of having it I'm damned if i'm gonna spend any more ridiculous money on sticks.

Adding it up I bet I've spent close to £600 this year alone, 2 x Resp +, Synergy Silver, Vector 130 Shaft and Synthesis balde, Inno 1100 tapered.

Back to a wood blade that costs £14, compared to £65 for a synthesis. Can I think of a time when a OPS/Taper Shaft has made me score a goal that a wood stick or shaft & wood blade wouldn't have made me score? I don't know..... but has the number of goals I've scored gone up since using OPS, certainly not.

I think for real high level players the OPS will make a difference, but for a recreational player like me... don't think it makes a bit of difference.

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and once again we arrive at the outcome that combining the best of both worlds may offer the best performance outcome=2 piece combo...Composite shaft with wood blade.

By the way, do any companies still make wood blades with kevar strips at the bottom like nike/bauer used to.

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and once again we arrive at the outcome that combining the best of both worlds may offer the best performance outcome=2 piece combo... tapered Composite shaft with wood blade.

Fixed that for you. ;)

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