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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Music system

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What music program do you guys use? I have rhapsody but im not payin no more money for music. I also have Itunes but that is also paying money except for the songs you already have attached to your ipod. Right now ive been downloading my songs off limewire basic. got rid of warez cause i heard there was some gov. issues or somthin. I want a program that i can keep for a while and not have toget used to a new program because the gov. is catching on. some of my friends do a new program every week. That would be annoying because you have to find and learn everything over and over again. thanks for the help.

You REALLY disgust me. First of all, get a grasp of the English language before posting. Second, stealing is wrong. I dont care what you think, ohhh the artists get screwed. I DONT CARE. Nikes are made by children in third world countries, I dont see people stealing them off of the shelves.

Second of all, your limewire playlist can be imported to iTunes, just drag the folder to the source bar, it will automatically update from there.

Third, it is an oxymoron to say that your father deleted your local disc, if you are using that computer. Your local disc is the disc you are currently operating on. It is most likely your C: drive.

You can download warez, any of the gorilla network products (bearshare, limewire, kazza, morpheus, etc) but know when it is downloaded, spyware is being installed on your computer, along witha host of other intrusive programs. How do you think these networks stay up? Companys pay them to attach programs to their software, that you download.

And lastly, the government is not watching p2p networks. They have better things to do. You have to look out for the RIAA. Will they catch you? In short, no. It is possible, but, all you have to do is bring them to court, and they cant prove a thing. All they have is a logged ip data transfer, and that wont hold up in court. To win a lawsuit, they have to put you in the chair behind the computer, which is almost impossible.

DONT STEAL MUSIC. If you cant afford ONE DOLLAR per song, than don't buy it. If you play hockey, you can afford music.

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Vapor, don't ever knock anyone for their English skills again because I still have a translation guide for some of the crap you've posted.

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DC++ FTW! How do you say "downloading full albums at a time"? Only client that I know of that does that, has no spyware, and don't have morons using it all the time.

Only trouble is that it's hub based, but no problem at all once you get some music up.

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my only prob. with limewire is that you cant put the songs you downloaded on Itunes. with warez you could. unless some of you are using limewire and transferring downloaded songs to itunes, could you tell me how???

ITunes sucks, thats why. You can still add songs downloaded through Limewire though. By doing this:

My Computer->Local Disk->Documents and Settings->Main->.limewire->Shared

Its great...YOu can also get them off limewire by unchecking the "use limewire media player" and then going into itunes and going to settings and activiting "Use Itunes as my default media player"...Then when you click on the song off limewire, it goes directly to itunes to play and stays there

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soRRY TO BRING UP A SEMI-OLD THREAD BUT DOES limeiwre give you any virus at all?

they load it up with spyware, thats how they give it away for free. You can get viruses from downloading content off of limewire.

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Langenbrunner15, all of them upload stuff on your computer. why do you think they are free? And thanks VAPOR you have put me off these programmes ;)

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Good Shaney, at least somebody listens to me, and has ethics ;). It's stealing no matter what you think. It's wrong, and these programs are a large reason why most PC's slow down over time. DON'T STEAL MUSIC.

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yes torrents are the way to go. i also have all the led zeppelin and pink floyd songs and dave matthews band. as of right now i am downloading the eric clapton discography. what a great program.

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Torrent is a great technology. Stealing music still sucks though. I dont get it, whats so bad about paying for music?

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Can somebody explain how to use 'Torrents'. I've always wanted to try it but never figured out how to use it.

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Can somebody explain how to use 'Torrents'. I've always wanted to try it but never figured out how to use it.

Bit torrent are the originators of the torrent technology. It is a p2p system that is really ingenious. BitTorrent is a file distribution system used for transferring files across a network of people. As you download a file, BitTorrent places what you download on upload for other users; when multiple people are downloading the same file at the same time they upload pieces of the file to each other. BitTorrent pieces together the file you are downloading, to where the first part of a file you get may be the last part someone else gets. As you continue to retrieve the file, BitTorrent also uploads data to other users. For example, a person with 98 percent of the file done is directed to the people with the 2 percent of the file they still need.

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To use it, download a program like BitComet or Azerus (sp)...those are two of the best in my opinion, I use azerus. Once that is downloaded go to a site such as torrentspy.com or piratebay.org and search for what you want. Find a file with a decent amount of seeds(the more the better) and click on the link. Your program will open and start downloading.

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