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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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synergy 1500

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Just saw the new 1500 skate, a big improvemnt upon last years skates. NHL'ers are currently wearing them. Big thing is not super stiff in the upper part of the boot more flexible. Hopefully have pics by saturday

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our rep just came by and dropped a sample off which were pretty much keeping hidden until we get a stand to display it. its pretty close from what i remember but like i said ill try and take a pic of it saturday.

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weight wise?? if it all heat moldable,,wouldn't it be a copy of the KOR 1shift??

I weighed similar size Kors and 1300's. They were identical in weight. Are you saying the 1500 will weight more or less because it's now "moldable"?

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weight wise?? if it all heat moldable,,wouldn't it be a copy of the KOR 1shift??

I weighed similar size Kors and 1300's. They were identical in weight. Are you saying the 1500 will weight more or less because it's now "moldable"?

I believe he's just asking for the weight, compared the the 1300. And then he was stating that since it is a "composite" skate that is heat moldable, its just a carbon copy of the Kor..which we know is untrue.

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The Kor is revolutionary design and fit. I'm not sure what the Easton will be. Never have been impressed with easton quality or durability or design. They should stick to making bows and arrows. My best deer hinting arrows were easton. Their sticks suck. Oh, sorry for holding back. :)

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The Kor is revolutionary design and fit. I'm not sure what the Easton will be. Never have been impressed with easton quality or durability or design. They should stick to making bows and arrows. My best deer hinting arrows were easton. Their sticks suck. Oh, sorry for holding back. :)

That's your opinion. I've always had good luck with Easton sticks. I usually go between Easton and Mission, with a splash of RBK tossed in.

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i had the 1st pair of synergy skates and they were far and away the best skates i ever had, it felt like i had sneakers on (fit and comfort wise) i am still mad at myself for selling them!!! i have had vapor xx's vector pro's pure flys etc and eastons will still the best

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i had the 1st pair of synergy skates and they were far and away the best skates i ever had, it felt like i had sneakers on (fit and comfort wise) i am still mad at myself for selling them!!! i have had vapor xx's vector pro's pure flys etc and eastons will still the best

You shouldn't have too much of a problem finding another pair of the 2004s. Most shops never sold theirs.

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i had the 1st pair of synergy skates and they were far and away the best skates i ever had, it felt like i had sneakers on (fit and comfort wise)  i am still mad at myself for selling them!!! i have had vapor xx's vector pro's pure flys etc and eastons will still the best

You shouldn't have too much of a problem finding another pair of the 2004s. Most shops never sold theirs.

serious? are they discountinued at all? PM could you? i believe you run a shop correct?

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i had the 1st pair of synergy skates and they were far and away the best skates i ever had, it felt like i had sneakers on (fit and comfort wise)  i am still mad at myself for selling them!!! i have had vapor xx's vector pro's pure flys etc and eastons will still the best

You shouldn't have too much of a problem finding another pair of the 2004s. Most shops never sold theirs.

serious? are they discountinued at all? PM could you? i believe you run a shop correct?

We don't sell them but I'll check around. Sales of the original 04 were terrible according to the peole I know who tried to sell them. The 04 (synergy) was replaced after a very brief time by the 05 (synergy 1300C), so a lot of the 04s should be available.

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All i know is that it is a heat moldable synergy skate....hopefully priced a little better too so i can sell, unlike the 1300s which did terrible.

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I still have my Snergy 1300's and I won't let them go. I kept my CCM's when I bought them but the Snergy's are far and away the most comfortable and responsive I've ever owned. I've found that personally that Easton skates fit me similar to CCM's except with a slightly narrower toe area. I have no complaints about the quality and find them extremely durable. In my opinion Easton has come into their own over the last few years and I consider them among the big three in skate manufacturing. ( CCM, Bauer/Nike, Easton) Graf is up there too but their more expensive skates and don't seem to cater to the average players pocket book. The higher end Easton skates , the Snergys , Z-Airs, Airs and Ultra Lite Pros are among some of the best on the market in recent years for durability, lightness and comfort. The thing I like about Easton the most is their continuous research and development into newer products and their adventurous production into different types innovative materials in their newer skates. Their not afraid to put something completely different onto the market and let it sink or swim and that takes guts in todays markets. ;)

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Graf is up there too but their more expensive skates and don't seem to cater to the average players pocket book.

The graf skates are some of the best constructed skates on the market. There is now way you can be calling graf over priced if you went out and bought the syNergy 1300's. Graf ranks above all of the companies you've mentioned, for durability and performance. Minus the problem with the G series outsole, but they are very good at fixing them. I've had kids bring them into the shop and we take a new pair off of the shelf and heat mold them for them and then we tell graf and they send us a new pair for free. They did it 2 times for one kid. And now he has finally gotten a pair that held up the whole season and are still going strong.

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Graf is up there too but their more expensive skates and don't seem to cater to the average players pocket book.

The graf skates are some of the best constructed skates on the market. There is now way you can be calling graf over priced if you went out and bought the syNergy 1300's. Graf ranks above all of the companies you've mentioned, for durability and performance. Minus the problem with the G series outsole, but they are very good at fixing them. I've had kids bring them into the shop and we take a new pair off of the shelf and heat mold them for them and then we tell graf and they send us a new pair for free. They did it 2 times for one kid. And now he has finally gotten a pair that held up the whole season and are still going strong.

A lot of the Grafs I've seen have holder mounting problems

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almost every company with assembly line features have problems on some skates with holders

The problem skates should never outnumber the good ones.

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