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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Famous Brand One-Piece Composite Hockey Stick ('05

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The pattern numbers match Bauer patterns, Inno makes Bauer sticks and the old "famous maker" sticks were Innos. Feel free to draw your own conclusion.

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I think they are inno sticks, true 1 maybe, but someone else on here could probably give a surer answer than mine. Based on the curve numbers and my assumption that they are the same as the Bauer curves the Lindros would be closet to the Iginla.

Inno stick? Inno flex rating? Bauer curves? Make sense to me although I am unsure about the exact model of the stick.

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The pattern numbers match Bauer patterns, Inno makes Bauer sticks and the old "famous maker" sticks were Innos. Feel free to draw your own conclusion.

Inno (Warrior) made Bauer...past tense :)

Thanks for the reminder

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Owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwns owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwns.

I go to Florida and I get the money.

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I called the store yesterday and they told me the sticks are blank Vapor XXX's and are navy blue in color.

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I tried a Lindros like 2 week ago and couldn't get used to it...i use inginla for like 1year and a half now...i think lindros is more of a sakic-iggy.. a bit more heel and curved than the iggy

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I called the store yesterday and they told me the sticks are blank Vapor XXX's and are navy blue in color.

Which store...are you talking about the famous brand stick that were all silver at peranis and 1800faceoff??


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Peranis and 1800faceoff are the same store, or at least they share the same warehouse. The older famous brand sticks are silver and the '05 ones are supposed to be navy. I'll let you know what color they are whenever I get mine.

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on peranis they said they are '' the same as the true 1 peice construction'' would this mean that it is either a vAPOR xxx or true-1

so i think, dave, these stick perform very well!

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I just ordered 2. After speaking to employees from both stores, it is in fact a Vapor XXX. Its still blue and still has the grip. 1800faceoff advised the only markings on it is the flex. Mine will be here Wednesday.

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i compared one of the famous brand ops to an xxx at the peranis by my house and im pretty sure that they are the same. the grip, weight, shaft shape, and balance all felt the same

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