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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Making the Switch

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So I have been using OPS for quite a while now, and I have decided I am going to make the switch back to wood. For those who have done that, what's the switch like? Any opinions are appreciated.

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I tried it broke a stick every practice,Im stuck with 3 sherwoods now that Im going to try again butIll have better luck using them for street hockey. The feel was not there either,I had trouble feeling the puck on my blade.My shots were definately harder with them over OPS,but my release and accuracy is far better with OPS. It might be a whole different story for you though. And I dont have that problem with a shaft/wood blade combo.

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ive been playing with comps for 4 years now and i tried using a wood stick, wow i couldnt get used to it at all, my shots cant even get off the ice wit a woodstick for sum reason, i jus lik the hollow feel of composites

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no good curve for me in the wood world...!

Im pretty sure they do make a wood stick with an iginla curve on it CobrAA

really?? all i can find is modano type curve and sakic,yzerman/lidstrom or big banana curve like coffey...

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no good curve for me in the wood world...!

Im pretty sure they do make a wood stick with an iginla curve on it CobrAA

really?? all i can find is modano type curve and sakic,yzerman/lidstrom or big banana curve like coffey...

Im pretty sure i've seen an easton woodie with iginla on it, not 100% but pretty close, someone correct me if im wrong... JR?

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no good curve for me in the wood world...!

Im pretty sure they do make a wood stick with an iginla curve on it CobrAA

Christian makes them but I don't stock them

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[im pretty sure i've seen an easton woodie with iginla on it, not 100% but pretty close, someone correct me if im wrong... JR?

I have them in stock.

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Okay, so today I bought a Bauer Fusion Elite. Anyone use this stick yet? What are your opinions on it? It seems to be a really nice stick. Very very nice feel

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is it really comparable to the iggy graphite..and how is the stick itselft?

what about the bauer 3030? I know they make it in lindros because one of my friends uses it.

Well i tried a Lindros Vapor XV blade...and i didn't really like it..i couldn't adjust to it...lindros seem to be more curved and more heel than my iggy/recchi...maybe i'm wrong but after using it 3 time...that what i figure it out...

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is it really comparable to the iggy graphite..and how is the stick itselft?

what about the bauer 3030? I know they make it in lindros because one of my friends uses it.

Well i tried a Lindros Vapor XV blade...and i didn't really like it..i couldn't adjust to it...lindros seem to be more curved and more heel than my iggy/recchi...maybe i'm wrong but after using it 3 time...that what i figure it out...

I switched between lindross and recci pretty easily, it might be worth your time. But that's just me...

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Okay, so today I bought a Bauer Fusion Elite. Anyone use this stick yet? What are your opinions on it? It seems to be a really nice stick. Very very nice feel

I got 3 of them and broke 2 right at the blade, the stick was good but I cold not get a consistent slapshot with it, and I had to candycane it because the shaft was just too slippery for my taste. I had an 87 flex/P106. So after I broke my second one I go into the proshop and buy a Intermediate flex (77? didnt say on it)/P106 and it lasted 2 games and a shot at practice broke right in the middle and flew backwards. I have since gone back to my synthesis.

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holy crap dude, i JUST (two weeks ago) made that change myself.... i went from a synergy ST grip (it felt soooo limp) to a sherwood 9000 something SOP "fetzner" model.... I LOVE IT! its sick, maybe the people who dont like the feel of standard should try out a pro stock woodie, they feel better made... only problem is that ive used it for about two weeks and the blade is already chewed up and the feel has gone bad, but hey, at 25 buks every two weeks, thats not bad, as compared to 180 every 3 weeks for OPS for me, and the feel is a TON better for stickhandling shooting etc. i dont know what every1 is talkin about with the release, it snaps off the stick better on wood for me all around i love woodie and weight aint a big deal u get used to it after about 4 days

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Every year I usually end-up going through an experimentation period (tapered combo, standard shafts/blades, woodies), and I always end-up going back to the OPS. I have found that the consistancy that I get with composite just isn't there when I start using the wood sticks. No two shots ever come off the blade the same, and the sticks are usually either busted or completely dead within a week or so.

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