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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Yeah, I tried the shaft. I was not a fan. I just couldn't get right with it, but I chaulk it up to just having the rectangular shaft too engrained into my past experiences. I read the sceince behind the shaft shape, and it sounded sound enough.

There are some NHL'rs using the new OPS (only a small few, though).

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Tucker was using a Trilage in tonight's game against the Thrashers, there is a good shot of it on mapleleafs.com. Didn't know anyone at all was using Trilage...always struck me as a fringe product.

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Tucker was using a Trilage in tonight's game against the Thrashers, there is a good shot of it on mapleleafs.com. Didn't know anyone at all was using Trilage...always struck me as a fringe product.

Tucker, May, Malhotra, Daley are the ones I've seen so far.

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I held one at a LHS, Tucker's pro model, and I didn't like it a all, the shafts edges were way to rounded for my liking

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I think Corson was using it in the past as well, pretty sure he was at the booth last year signing auto's at the LPH show...

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I think Corson was using it in the past as well, pretty sure he was at the booth last year signing auto's at the LPH show...

I know he was supposed to be there. They asked if we wanted to wait around a little bit for Corson to show up and we said "no thanks."

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Tucker has been using one faithfully this season. They look a little on the cheap side though. I want to try one really bad actually. Anyone know if these are ever gunna go retail?

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Went to Toronto Hockey Repair and they got them there. A guy I went to highschool works there and he bought one and he loves it. He skates with Tucker every once in a while. I myself am not too much of a fan of the concave/convex shaft design as I think its a bit too much. The shafts themselves feel really whippy though.

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Convex/concave? I'm guessing one side is convex and the other side is concave? As opposed to both sides being one or the other.

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Holy crap, didn't bauer and nike both have shafts way back in the day w/ a convex/concave grip?

I think it started w/ bauer TIG and ALC shafts and the nike Troika (a la fedorov).

Old ideas repainted and renamed. I hate it.

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Yeah that old-school Bauer Composite, like one of the first ones out, had one side concave the other convex. Bure used it. I'm gonna say it was out in like 95 or 96.

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Yeah that old-school Bauer Composite, like one of the first ones out, had one side concave the other convex. Bure used it. I'm gonna say it was out in like 95 or 96.

Yes! You and JR are right. I'm kicking myself for not remembering that.

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