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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor XXX lite

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Please dont ask how my LHS got this stick (Im thinking its a pre-release) but last saturday i walked in and found it with the rest of the bauers, so i picked up an 87 flex Hossa, paid for it and made my way back to the rink. :D

On the shaft the weight is listed as 420 grams, but it feels a lot lighter and very well balanced. I've only been able to use it for a practice so i havent been able to fully review this stick, but it felt really nice in my hands. More reviews to come.

Little nervous on this first post, Sorry.

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Coming out with a new "youth" flex this year, 42 flex

Does anybody know if the numbers in the flex actually mean something or are they just numbers to tell if the stick is stiffer (do they have a machine that says what flex it is?) or why does bauer have the extra 2 i.e. 42, 52, 77, 87, 102 flex. and Eastons are just 50, 65, 85, 100 , 110 :rolleyes:

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Wow you might remember that i bought my XXX lite a week ago and guess what, it broke today :(

EDIT: It broke in the "lite" on the whit part of the stick on a slaphot in warm ups

Where'd you get it from?

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Man, this really stinks. If I hear more about breakage on these things I'm going to have to find another OPS. I was counting on these things being pretty awsome too. Maybe it's back to a Nash XN10...

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Oh, Bantam. Eep. I'm a Midget, and going into High School hockey. This doesn't seem to be the stick for me then... Especially if it's going to break that quick. You're 15 and ~150lbs I assume?

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Man, this really stinks. If I hear more about breakage on these things I'm going to have to find another OPS. I was counting on these things being pretty awsome too. Maybe it's back to a Nash XN10...

Slashes and shooting style can have an impact on stick life.

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Are you guys serious? You're already putting the stick down because ONE broke? :lol:

Well, it's the only one I've seen around here, and it was a pre-release. I did come to a pre-mature conclusion though.

None-the-less, it's gotta be a sweet stick.

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I've had my xxx lite for 3 weeks now. So far the durability has been good. It says 420 grams on the shaft but it feels lighter since it is so well balanced. It has great feel compared to the synthesis w/ carbon blade that I have been using. The blade is really stiff but it does not seem to bouncy. Hard passes are easy to catch. I paid 169.95 for it.

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So can someone give me some news about the breakage of XXX Lites?

Maybe there is a new batch out or maybe are the ones from Finland better than those which are from Canada and so on.

Im not sure if i should get one.

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Finland? I just received some new Juniors from the Chinese plant. The sticks were about 2" shorter than previous Junior Vapor XXX Lite sticks from China.

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