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tps p27

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does anyone have a pic of a tps p27 curve? im trying to figure out if i need to send this pattern to tps for them to copy it, as im pretty sure its the same curve i want. any help is appreciated. thanks

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TPS 27 is an exact copy of Eastons Drury.

Edit: It is available for retail in Europe so I think they will have it on file.

Edit No. 2: For good measure...here´s a pic schaufeln.gif

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That´s what I was told by their distributor when asking them what the 27 was like. He said it was a Dury clone. Also some online stores where they compare the curves to Easton curves for reference state that it was a Drury. Anyway, I haven´t seen one personally so I don´t really know what they look like. I haven´t seen a Drury in person either so I don´t...maybe I was wrong.

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I have a P27, its a Sakic clone with a super weird rocker, and a square toe. The rocker looks like nothing I've ever seen. But it is wood so thats probably just an inconsistency.

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I have a P27, its a Sakic clone with a super weird rocker, and a square toe. The rocker looks like nothing I've ever seen. But it is wood so thats probably just an inconsistency.


TPS Sakic clone is P119. Trust me on this...I know :D

I've seen the P119 and I can back that up.

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I have a P27, its a Sakic clone with a super weird rocker, and a square toe. The rocker looks like nothing I've ever seen. But it is wood so thats probably just an inconsistency.


TPS Sakic clone is P119. Trust me on this...I know :D

I've seen the P119 and I can back that up.

And, I can tell you that there is a difference (or was for the longest time) a difference between P119 and Nash Retail, which was supposed to be TPS' retail version of Sakic Retail.

I remember asking you when I saw it (P119) for the first time.

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I was considering getting an XN10 in the P27R curve at the National Sports sale.

It has a mild curve and round toe. I say it's more like a Modano or Iginla curve. If I have to pick one from the pic in the second post, it would be the Sundin curve.

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the lie is supposedly a 5.5. i used to use this before going into wedges for a bit but i find that im much more accurate with this curve and a little better with the puck too.

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Instead of making a new topic,and since the P27 is the Easton Darby.

Whats the specs on the easton darby pro curve?

I used my Darby 85 Pro Stock Synergy today and it was a wonderful curve,Im so used to heel wedges that I thought i wouldnt like it but I do.

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I'm pretty sure its a 5 lie...


The P27 is in the middle in comparison to the modano on the left, and the P19/Yzerman Pro on the right.

too lazy to take three pics, lol. we can't really tell something out of this pic.

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I actually just picked up an XN10 with a P27S curve from National on Sunday. I played with it on Monday night and I loved it - it's open enough to help get some lift on wrist shots and clappers, but not so much that backhanders are impossible.

I was surprised how whippy the Stiff flex was on the XN10 though. I was coming from a Stiff Red-Lite shaft, and it felt like I was back to my old 85 flex Easton shaft with the XN10. It was a fair bit longer than the Red-Lite though - so hopefully having cut an inch off the top will stiffen it up a bit.

Anyways, enough rambling. Here's a couple more pics of the P27 curve.




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