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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Replace holders or replace skates?

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Yesterday the blade on one of my XX w/LS was pulled clean out during a game. The hardware that holds the blade in, (not sure what the exact name is but its the bolt with the rounded end) was starting to spin against the plastic of the holder. Being lazy, when I noticed this about a week or 2 ago, I said I would look into getting it fixed, if that was possible, soon enough. Well I guess I didnt get to it soon enough and now the holder is about screwed. I removed the hardware that was still in the holder and tried to install new hardware, but once the nut became somewhat tightened the bolt spun freely. A guy at SportsPlus in Cincy :rolleyes: looked at them and said I would need a new holder installed. This is probably true but I want see what all of you think. The holder on the other skate is starting to do the same thing, so I would need to replace both, I guess. I added it up and it will be roughly $90-100 for new holders and labor. Which is my next question...Is it worth it to put $100 into XX's that are 7-8 months old? I'm guessing that they are pretty broken down, but I really dont know what to look for so I can't tell. I've been skating on the 3-4 times a week for 7 or 8 months, so I dont really know what to do with them now...

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Since you skate that often, put your money into new skates. The XX's are not going to get any better with new holder/steel. It sounds like your XX boots are cooked. The benefit to new boots with fit, stiffness, etc. makes more sense when you skate that much a week.

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You dont need new holders, just new hardware. A competent shop should be able to do it for you, and not for $100. Sometimes I can remove the old hardware thats stuck inside without taking the rivits out. Don't give up on them yet. Next time, get CCM, RBK or another skate brand that has the blade mounting on the outside. I hate Bauer blade mounting systems. You would not have this problem with other brands.

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I got new hardware. The problem is that the plastic of the holder has been weakened and pushed out from tightening or overtightening the hardware. Now the bottom the bolt that holds the blade in spins freely when the hardware is tighten, so it never really becomes tight.

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This is the common fatigue problem with the Tuuk holder, any generation. Once the plastic gets pushed , soft, mushy, it will just cause the nut and screw to spin. This is why you would need new holders as well as steel.

My favorite CCM holder problem is how the skates, especially Pro Tacks, come brand new out of the box with the screws on the holder to keep the steel in place loose! I always have to remember to tighten them when I sell them. Otherwise, a day later the player is in the shop with the screw missing and all pissed off that his new skates are messed up. Last week a guy shows up with his Pro Tacks from 1800hockeyscrewtheLHS.com. He complains about the $12 first time sharpening fee. I was going to tighten the screws on the holder but I decided to let him deal with 1800hockeyscrewtheLHS.com when the screws fall out. The boys at CCM should have them tight and ready to go out of the box. Perry?????

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ok a few Q's..i have had my vapor XXX's for 6 months and they are completly dead..i can make both sides of the skate almost (say 1 inch) touch..is that reason enough to get new skates?..any ways im loking for new skates for christmas (8k or 9k depending on price and availablity) and i hate the ccm holders..should the mission pitch holder fit on?

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i don't know how some peoples skates break down so quickly. it must be the brand, because i'm well into year two with my graf 703's, and they're damn near as stiff as they were when i first got them. mind you, the boot isn't looking too good, as there are numerous cuts here and there in the leather, but the structure of the boot is almost the same as when they were first purchased.

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I went to the Hockeystop in Columbus and replaced the one holder. Apparently the guy in Cincy was just trying to make a sale or something because the other didnt need replaced after all. It was only $30 for the holder and labor. I got a pretty good deal, labor half off and no $15 rush fee like there was supposed to be.

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My favorite CCM holder problem is how the skates, especially Pro Tacks, come brand new out of the box with the screws on the holder to keep the steel in place loose! I always have to remember to tighten them when I sell them.

Yea, this is very common, but easily remedied. I make it a habit of checking/tightening every CCM skate when I'm sharpening. Still, not a big deal like the bauers which have endless costly problems the life of the holder/steel. Starts with the cheap steel hardware they use, followed by poor steel, and topped off by unfriendly holder access and great margin of error by the skate owner if they try to do repairs themselfs. Don't get me wrong, I like them cause I make a lot of money on repairs! :D Bottom line is, Eastons, Missions, CCM and RBKs have a user friendly mounting system.

When the guys come in who bought from www.1800screwthe LHS.com need a screw, or tightening, that'l be $10 please. ;)

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don't you guys who play competitive level hockey ( i assum you are when you are skating in XX's or XXX's) know yourselves when the boot has broken down? when you feel like you're not getting enough support/less than you ideally would like to have, the boot has broken down.

the lightspeeds do have a 1 yr. warrantee, you should ask about that, and check the certificate that you go with your skates to see if it's covered.

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