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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Best deal you've ever gotten

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mission m-1 pants, new, 100$

graf 703's, new, 330$

tps hgt gloves, 130$

god bless trade in's at the ol' lhs

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Our coach organized a team discount at our lhs and I got some 8K pants for 170$ cdn....$30 off, not as good as my other deals but better than paying full price.

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old thread but i thought id update.

i got a z-carbon blade off ebay for a grand total of $16.50 cad( after shipping and such) the guy messed up and put it as BIN $5 when it was suppost to be starting bid of $5. his screw up was my gain :D

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back in the day i ot an older pair of missions for free because he ordered a different pair then i wanted.

i also got 2 synergy shafts out of a trash can.

i also got a pro size steel goal new for 60$

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I went to Maritime Sports in Moncton and they told me the skates I wanted were going to be 700$. I then went to Jessomes Source for Sports in Edmundston and they told me they could get them for about 500$.

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New, unbaked Mission s500's for $112.50 on ebay.

Also, a $35 Inno True One - slightly used, but has held up for over a year for me.

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Mission M1 over a year ago when they were still expensive for 66$ on ebay- took like a month to find my flex and curve and to get a good price - Was my first one piece - still have it ---and holds serious sentimental value.

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