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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Best deal you've ever gotten

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Various brand new shafts with blades inserted at ACC with my employee discount. I used to pay $36 for a prostock shaft blade combo.

Most notably Travis Green Flyweight and Gary Valk 1100 shaft w/easton pro Z-Carb. and Hoglund Tps Rubbers.

This was before they realized that they should price composite sticks higher than woodies. Now they're asking 129.00

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60 bucks for a pair of eagle x70 gloves custom white and green barely used AND a pair of 9.5 Nike Quest 1 roller hockey skates fitted with red star e-frames that were used 3 times. (40 bucks for the gloves 20 bucks for the skates)

I turned around and sold the skates to one of my teamates for 65 bucks....

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CCM 852 Tacks Skates $40 off of craigslist. The guy bought them for figure skating and wore them once. I was gonna give him way more money for the skates, but when I went to pick them up his house was HUGE and I kind of saw why he asked only 40 bucks.

Second place. Easton Synergy 900C's for $150. I had kind of like the Tacks better and don't use the Synergies as much (It's too much skate for me and I don't weigh enough to flex the boot), time for ebay.

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