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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pulling the Blade out of an OPS

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I know XN10's and Vapor XX can be. To take it out you just heat the area by the blade, fuse point i think, then after awhile you can just pull it out.

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how are you suppose to heat the blade/shaft to pull the blade out? i have a vapor xx which will be dieing shortly. another thing, will the excess heat on the fuse point damage the shaft any?

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I don´t think you can do it with the V110. That outer blade lamination seems to be wrapped over the fuse point.

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I think with the V110, it has a weird taper and you will have to find the fuse point, cut the blade off, flip the stick around and put the blade in the other end. Some one correct me if that is wrong.

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I did this with a 20. I heated it up, and I pulled HARD (umm, you know what I mean) and I could see where the blade and shaft started to separate. I started to heat at that point, pulled some more, and it did eventually come out.

But yes, you can damage your shaft with too much heat. I noticed the paint on the XX starting to sizzle.

It's an annoying process...heat, pull, heat, pull. Also, the only blade I could get to fit in exactly at that point was a TPS R2. I guess you can cut higher up and get other brands in there.

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I did this with a 20. I heated it up, and I pulled HARD (umm, you know what I mean) and I could see where the blade and shaft started to separate. I started to heat at that point, pulled some more, and it did eventually come out.

But yes, you can damage your shaft with too much heat. I noticed the paint on the XX starting to sizzle.

It's an annoying process...heat, pull, heat, pull. Also, the only blade I could get to fit in exactly at that point was a TPS R2. I guess you can cut higher up and get other brands in there.

i think i may just go with the cut and chizzle method then. i don't wanna f the shaft by heating it up and pulling the blade out.

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does this then mean that you would be able to use the blad that you pulled out on another stick as if it were synthesis blad or sumthin

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ive done it sucessfully with both a XN10 and XX. it didnt do any damage, i couldnt pull the blade out by hand on either, i stuck it in a vice and pulled.

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Yes, the XX blade did have an intact hosel when I pulled it out (I also used a vice to pull and heat). However, the hosel is EXTREMELY tapered, and fit very loosely in my R2XN10 and Synthesis. I didn't even bother with taping it. It would have needed alot.

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Did the walls of the XN10 get damged at all because they seem pretty fragile near the bottom

it doesnt seem like they are damaged at all. i havent really put it to the test yet just shooting off a plastic sheet so far. my XX lasted along time as a shaft, i sold it to a buddy of mine and he just broke it not long ago and even that was a freak accident.

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Yes, the XX blade did have an intact hosel when I pulled it out (I also used a vice to pull and heat). However, the hosel is EXTREMELY tapered, and fit very loosely in my R2XN10 and Synthesis. I didn't even bother with taping it. It would have needed alot.

So you're saying that after you've pulled out the blade the hossel of the shaft, where you insert an the blade is much thiner than that of an R2XN10, therefore a synthesis comp blade will not fit unless you cut it higher? Do you know if a JR blade would fit in? or is your best bet to buy a wood R2 and shave the tennon to fit?

I really don't want to lose any taper.


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Yes, the XX blade did have an intact hosel when I pulled it out (I also used a vice to pull and heat). However, the hosel is EXTREMELY tapered, and fit very loosely in my R2XN10 and Synthesis. I didn't even bother with taping it. It would have needed alot.

So you're saying that after you've pulled out the blade the hossel of the shaft, where you insert an the blade is much thiner than that of an R2XN10, therefore a synthesis comp blade will not fit unless you cut it higher? Do you know if a JR blade would fit in? or is your best bet to buy a wood R2 and shave the tennon to fit?

I really don't want to lose any taper.


I think what he's saying is that when he pulled the stick in 2 pieces, the blade came out with an intact hosel. That hosel was too narrow and would need to be bulked out to be inserted into another stick. (I'm basing this on the mention of wrapping w/ tape.)

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Basically what I'm after is to know if once the blade is pulled out. Is the shaft dimensions at the hossel large enough to accept a senior standard blade like a Synthesis, XV, L2, R2 would be, or is the taper on OPS's usually to a smaller degree where a SR blade wouldn't go in

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Basically what I'm after is to know if once the blade is pulled out. Is the shaft dimensions at the hossel large enough to accept a senior standard blade like a Synthesis, XV, L2, R2 would be, or is the taper on OPS's usually to a smaller degree where a SR blade wouldn't go in

I cut my pro stock XX at the fuse point, dremeled out the junk, lost about 1/2 of the shaft which I had to cut because I dremled too much to the side, and a Synth blade fit snugly.

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