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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Best (SNES) Super Nintendo game!

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i had sega ,sonic pinball kicked ass and so did regular sonic and there and batman:O so many memorys of that game there were prolly tonnes of others too.

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I remember getting my da to buy TechnoCop for me on Genesis, which was supposed to be ultra-violent for its time. Turned out they must have meant ultra-gay.

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Super Mario World (loved it!, played it recently and rapped it 100%), NHL 95 (fucking classic), and Donkey Kong World (we loaded that onto the PSP, a lot of fun).

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Mario Kart is sweet. Getting hammered and playing that is so much fun. NHL 95(i think) was pretty cool too. I remember its appearance in the movie Swingers and Vince Vaughn makes the dude bleed. such a funny movie.

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'95 is still the best game around.  Back in school we found a Genesis and '95 at a pawn shop then proceeded to play it for shots.  If I was given the Nords on that game I would beat God Herself at that game.

Oh god yes. Finally someone else that thinks EA's NHL '95 is the best hockey game ever.

I loved a lot of games on SNES, Mario (the one that came w/ the console cant' remember the spec. title), All the streetfighters, but they messed up mortal kombat, umm, mariokart, donkey kong country someone mentioned...........ahh how the smell of plastic cartridges sparks nostalgia.

Many others I'm sure I can't remember at the moment.

Are you talking about 95 for SNES? OR 95 For Sega Genesis?

I was the Associate Producer on the NHL 95 SNES, which won Nintendo Sports Game of the Year btw.

I designed the AI in the SNES version very differently form what the team on the Sega did.

I also included a easter egg in the game which unlocks the Krog Bus Drivers. The logo for the team was a big yellow bus with the words "We take you to school" on the sides.

The first line of that team has the Hanson Brothers as the forwards and my brother and I on defense. :D

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I also included a easter egg in the game which unlocks the Krog Bus Drivers. The logo for the team was a big yellow bus with the words "We take you to school" on the sides.

The first line of that team has the Hanson Brothers as the forwards and my brother and I on defense. :D

Holy crap I remember the Bus Drivers! .....And weren't there 3 other "hidden" teams as well?

I'm totally sending you my copy of the game so you can autograph it. :lol:

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I also included a easter egg in the game which unlocks the Krog Bus Drivers. The logo for the team was a big yellow bus with the words "We take you to school" on the sides.

The first line of that team has the Hanson Brothers as the forwards and my brother and I on defense.  :D

Holy crap I remember the Bus Drivers! .....And weren't there 3 other "hidden" teams as well?

I'm totally sending you my copy of the game so you can autograph it. :lol:

Yes, there were a couple of other teams on there as well.

The Bus Drivers. (Made up of my friends and family)

There was an EA Sports team. (Made of of those who worked on the game)

And some kind of hidden all star team....Can't remember the name of.

The code was entered as soon as the "You All Ready For This" begins to play. I can't remember it exact (and I've tried searching for it).

It's either the old contra code, (The up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, b, a, start) or some variation of it. I'll try to email one of my old friends that coded it and see if he can remember.

If anyone has the SNES hooked up and wants to try it...that would be a blast!!

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awww.. too bad i dont have my SNES with me otherwise i'd totally try that code. after all those years i never knew there were any easter eggs.

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i was about to start a topic identical to this, but behold...the search feature really works!!!


but i got out my super nintendo tonight ands man, it has been great times, i even bought a couple games on ebay

so post em up, whose ur favorites?

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I was a little to young to be playing these when they were real big but i used to play some mario games over at my cousins house when i was little and loved them but he doesnt have it anymore i have been wanting to get one of these but i dont really know where to look is there any places that you can still buy them at or is ebay the only place really?

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Well i got way to many favorte nintendo games so I will name a few.

NES: Mike Tyson's Punch Out, Super Mario 3

SNES: NHL 95, Super Punch Out, Killer Instinct, Mario Cart

N64: NBA Hangtime (currently in my n64), StarFox64, Goldeneye007

After these i got away from nintendo and have a 360 but i would rather take these 3 systems over it any day.

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Super Street Fighter II Turbo- I beat it with all 24 characters so I could see everyone's ending. (it had bosses plus like 4 other playable chars.)

I remember playing Stanley Cup Hockey and keeping stats in a notebook after every game. Scored 300 and some-odd goals with one player in one season. It was awesome.

Spider Man: Maximum Carnage was AWESOME. You could play as either Spidey or Venom, wayyyy before Unlimited Spider Man (which was pretty good for PS2) I must have beat that game 1000 times.

First thing I thought of when I saw this thread was Goldeneye 007, then I realized that it was for N64, not SNES. Still the best multiplayer game EVER. We used to have to call out "no oj" when playing, as Oddjob's lack of height would make you miss him all the time.

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I remember a dirbike game that came out near the end of the SNES era. It looked almost like an N64 game, I remember you could play "tag" on dirtbikes. That and Stanley cup hockey were the two my friends and I usually played. I had a Sega Genesis after my initial NES though.

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I remember a dirbike game that came out near the end of the SNES era. It looked almost like an N64 game, I remember you could play "tag" on dirtbikes. That and Stanley cup hockey were the two my friends and I usually played. I had a Sega Genesis after my initial NES though.

could you be thinking of Excitebike?? they made versions for both NES and N64 so it seems plausible, I loved the N64 version to death

off topic but Mario Kart 64 is absolutely amazing :D

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The "tag on Bikes" game might be Road Rash. That was more of a "knock the crap out of the guys on the other bikes with anything you can get your hands on while racing them" deal though.

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Wasn't Road Rash, it was an actual dirtbike game. Had a races on a track, but the tag was the special feature. I can't remember the name, but am sure it's not Road Rash as I remember playing it on Genesis. It may be excitebike, but I thought the game had a number in it. I remember everyone looked really boxy like N64.

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There were TONS of great games for the snes..

Zelda, Starfox, Any of the NHL9X games, The Streetfighter series, MK, NBA live, Final Fantasy 2/3, Chrono Trigger, Earthbound, Final Fight, Super Mario World, Aerobiz.... just to name a few.

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I remember a dirbike game that came out near the end of the SNES era. It looked almost like an N64 game, I remember you could play "tag" on dirtbikes. That and Stanley cup hockey were the two my friends and I usually played. I had a Sega Genesis after my initial NES though.

yea, I remember that game.. it was in complete 3d and used the snes 3d chip (the same one that ran starfox).

Good game too.

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nes was deffinitally mario and for my sega genesis I loved all the sonic games that I had me and my friends would play that for hours along with this power ranger game that at the time was amazing haha.

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I was a little to young to be playing these when they were real big but i used to play some mario games over at my cousins house when i was little and loved them but he doesnt have it anymore i have been wanting to get one of these but i dont really know where to look is there any places that you can still buy them at or is ebay the only place really?


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