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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What's on your holiday wish list?

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im getting a new stick or 2 i just gotta decide if i want an other ops or tapered shaft.

Taperedddddd hahaha, I went to tapered with a broken M-1 shaft, and I love it. Now I'm going to try out a Synergy ST Grip shaft with a Hybrid Synthesis blade.

Couldn't go back...just MO

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holy smokes you guys must have some parents with good jobs. well im too old now to get a buncha stuff but maybe ill ask for a replacement blade :]

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Or it's the only thing they're getting, like me. My family's moving in two days so this year's a very cheap Christmas.

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Taperedddddd hahaha, I went to tapered with a broken M-1 shaft, and I love it. Now I'm going to try out a Synergy ST Grip shaft with a Hybrid Synthesis blade.

Couldn't go back...just MO

thats what im thinkin right now, last night i used my Xn10 shaft with Fitzgerald pro tapered blade and loved it so im thinking R2XN10

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holy smokes you guys must have some parents with good jobs. well im too old now to get a buncha stuff but maybe ill ask for a replacement blade :]

It's only a wish list... I probably won't get any of those things and end up with a pair of socks or something

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holy smokes you guys must have some parents with good jobs. well im too old now to get a buncha stuff but maybe ill ask for a replacement blade :]

It's only a wish list... I probably won't get any of those things and end up with a pair of socks or something

haha gotcha. socks are my favorite <_<

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I'd say some new shoulders is what i'd want, preferably RbK 8k. Although i just got my 2 XN10's from Ponty i already wished myself a merry christmas.

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I plan on a Vapr XXX Lite stick, whip flex, lindros. And/or a Stealth Grip Sakic/Iggy 85 flex, a reebok 8k helmet, a new girdle/shell combo, and maybe a new pair of gloves (Vapor XXX or Reebok, idk yet).

Edit: Well, scratch the 8k helmet off of there, I'm waiting for the mission bucket to come out, then I'll make a purchase.

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holy smokes you guys must have some parents with good jobs. well im too old now to get a buncha stuff but maybe ill ask for a replacement blade :]

What do you mean? All of the presents come from santa :)

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Shin pads for sure (has a big crack near the bottom and one piece already fell off), pants, skates and gloves. Probably will only get shinnies and pants, but thats good enough for me.

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Definately new shins because the knee cap has been crakced since the last game of last season on my V-10s. Other than that I don't technically need anything but I will probably ask for a stick anyways, Adrenaline Control was too nice yesterday to resist.

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New chest and arm protector...

One piece sticks are creating bruises through the old one. (.. my wife's got two new SL's and has found out she can really slap the S*** outta the puck now :o )

j/k: the bruises are real, but she didn't create them. Although she really does have a serious slap shot now.

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holy smokes you guys must have some parents with good jobs. well im too old now to get a buncha stuff but maybe ill ask for a replacement blade :]

What do you mean? All of the presents come from santa :)

haha silly me :ph34r:

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My wish list is I get to play Santa and give our Junior pants and tracksuits to my daughters, now that they're big enough.

I know they'll be excited, and that jazzes me as a Dad.

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