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Ribeiro on epuck?

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I just came across what seems to be a review of the Hex-1, written by Ribeiro, on epuck.


I can think of three explantions for this:

1. Some epuck customer thinks he/she is funny.

2. Epuck staff are pushing the limits of ethical advertising.

3. It was actually written by him, in which case Mission got themselves a very sponsor-dedicated player.

I can't figure out which it is though.

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Considering that Ribeiro uses non-grip sticks and has no affiliation with epuck, there is no way it is him. Ribeiro is sponsored by Mission. If he had anything to say about the stick, he would say it on their website. What Rangers game is buddy referring to? They never played the Rangers in the preseason, but Ribeiro was using this stick from training camp onwards.

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Considering that Ribeiro uses non-grip sticks and has no affiliation with epuck, there is no way it is him. Ribeiro is sponsored by Mission. If he had anything to say about the stick, he would say it on their website. What Rangers game is buddy referring to? They never played the Rangers in the preseason, but Ribeiro was using this stick from training camp onwards.

You're right. The reference to the grip is a giveaway.

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Maybe so, but the fact that the guy is saying that he used it for the first time in a game against the Rangers just puts it to bed. There's no way that is true. Montreal's second game of the season was against the Rangers and Ribeiro had used the stick the night before in Boston and during the pre-season. His stick may have grip on it, but the white graphics make it seem as though it doesn't have grip. His old Synergy's were the non grip silver ones too. Let's be realistic here. I have an 85 flex Elias Hex-1 and I would be happy to give a review of it after I've had some more time to use it. Or if you guys know Mike Ribeiro's phone number, you could just give him a ring and ask him.

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Hey, go back to the site guys. HAHAHA! A review by "Wayne Gretzky himself"!!!!

Oh my God...

"if the great one uses it so should you! 11.17.2005

by Wayne Gretzky Overall Rating: 5

hi this is Wayne here, I was just letting you know that the hex-1 stick is the most amazing stick that I have ever used "

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