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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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So where are modsquadders playing?

Post pics of your rink!

Ok here it's the rink i play, it's not big but it's a nice structure




And it have an amazing view of the surrounding mountains


also the road to the ice rink has some nice views



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Thats a nice thread you started! That rink looks nice. The rink i play at just added a new ice surface last year, and seats about 500 i think.


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I know its not technically an ice rink but here....You should change this thread to "Show your rink" not "Show your ice rink" because some people on here dont play ice...





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6 rinks, pool, gym, restaurant, proshop, tennis courts,skatepark, baseball diamonds, soccer fields.. all for the "Town" of Whitby.

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man those are some nice rinks...i dont think i want to take pics of my rink...i may be shot by going inside(my rink isn't in the best part of town, haha)


i have no idea why it says Phoenix's only full service rink or whatever, there's like 7...

pretty ghetto. REALLY old rink, even has a bar inside facing the rink.... :huh:

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Our rink is on the second floor, kind of a wierd setup.

You play there? I've watched a few Ooks games. Its a weird rink, too us 1 hour to find the first time. We just kept driving right by it.

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Thats a nice thread you started! That rink looks nice. The rink i play at just added a new ice surface last year, and seats about 500 i think.


also my home rink as me and miike play for the same team... i thouhgt the new rink held 1000 people tho?

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Our rink is on the second floor, kind of a wierd setup.

You play there? I've watched a few Ooks games. Its a weird rink, too us 1 hour to find the first time. We just kept driving right by it.

I'm not on the ooks team, but I run intramurals and play a lot of pick up there.

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Hershey Park Arena, former home of the Bears and the place where Wilt scored 100 in an NBA game. We play pickup there all the time.




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Thought they were getting rid of the ice?

I keep hearing this is the last year but there is still no other practice facility for the Bears, so it may stick around one more year.

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Thought they were getting rid of the ice?

I keep hearing this is the last year but there is still no other practice facility for the Bears, so it may stick around one more year.

It's also an engineering milestone. It should be a national historic place.

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