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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How long do skates last you?

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I've been wearing a pair of Vapor XX for over two years. They have performed really well, and they are still stiff enough to skate in, but they are starting to show signs of age. the liner is wearing really thin, and the outtermost material on the boot is starting to fray in certian areas. i could probably get another year out of them.

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I'm trying to phase out my XX I've been using for a year and a half. They were pretty much shot after a year, but I tend to get a little too attached to skates :ph34r:

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As I'm 16 I keep skates until I grow out of them. That said, my Vector Pro's are holding up really well.

This will probably be the first skate I break down, the sides are already scuffed up, and the tendon guard is having fun in pergatory (awaiting hell I suppose)...

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I had Pure Flys for a year and half but replaced them with Grafs after a season and a half this time last year. After a year of use my G3s are still going strong and will last me into next season assuming I don't magically outgrow them or something else major happens.

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my 8090's (the only pair that i won't grow out of) have lasted me since may 2003, but i don't play in the summer, usually sept to april. i guess thats 19 months of actual use. i'll definately be able to get another season out of them as it stands now, but the liner is breaking down a lot, even though the skates are still supportive enough for me.

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Skates usually last me about 6 months on average...

I'm in Vapor XXX's right now. They've held up fine, though they were made through the pro department...

I skate everyday, sometimes twice a day.

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Running into year 3 with my CCM 852s. The only thing wrong with them is that the toes are starting to fray...I've really got to start looking into new skates... :lol:

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on year and a half with my graf 703's, and the boots still as stiff as when i first purchased them. just cuts, scrapes, and knicks throughout the leather boot.

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A year and a half for my S400's. there holding up pretty good, other than the eylets ripping, and the tendon gaurd. I'm Pretty Impressed after a season and a half that there still stiff.

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on year and a half with my graf 703's, and the boots still as stiff as when i first purchased them. just cuts, scrapes, and knicks throughout the leather boot.

I've had the 704s for over 3 years and other than minor cosmetic stuff, they're still in great shape - I skate 2-3 times a week year round (including outdoor shinny in the heart of Canadian winter).

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Skates usually last me about 6 months on average...

I'm in Vapor XXX's right now. They've held up fine, though they were made through the pro department...

I skate everyday, sometimes twice a day.

6 months? Dude..... I'd hate to be the one paying your bills. If I were you, I'd choose a more durable brand. Even if you skate twice per day, that's way too fast for a quality, durable skate to break down, in my mind only.

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Graf 705 i used for one year and half are in pretty good shape, boot has lost a little bit of stiffnessbut jus minor things.

Now i got Bauer Supreme 8000 they are still new (2 month), but already have some minor scratch, nothing particular but it let me think that my Graf were tank in comparison...

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i get generally over a year with skates,my grafs i had for a yr and a half almost 2 yrs. there still in good shape but alittle too soft.the last half was kinda hard but the first year was amazing how stiff they were.

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