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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Thats a cool dog. I have: a cat (a tabby from a farm), an albino hampster, a fish tank with 4 sharks, 2 gold fish, 2 plikos, and a fighting fish, and a snake. Theres a funny story with the snake. The cat jumps on the top of the cage, the lid gets loose, and the snake gets out. Twice in 6 months it got out. We tend to find it every 3 months.

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Australian Shephard named Molly and my wife has a couple of cats that don't answer to anything.

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I have two dogs. Both Cocker Spaniels. One is 11 years, and the other is 6 years. I would post some pictues but my camera is broken :ph34r:

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I have 1 dog, a Jack Russel Terrior named Eddy. He likes long walks along the beach and cuddling up with a good book by the fire.


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2 dogs right now, my gf and I just got a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel named Charlie. she's 6 month old, about 10 lbs, wont gain more then a few more. We live in an apartment in philly so she's the perfect apt dog.

My other dog is the family dog, we got her when I was 12 and Im nearly 26 now so she's getting really old. I frequently watch her and I feel like everytime I watch her she's getting worse and worse. She'll have to be put down soon :(

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Guest phillyfan

One dog, Beagle, 2 Cats, not sure what breed, and one brother.

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Yea he's pretty insane. He can go all day running around and never stop, and late at night he brings his stupid squeecky toy and keeps biting it and presses it into your face. We also have 2 large tree's in our backyard which he CLIMBS and gets stuck in. He also doesnt mind when eveyrbody's over so he will go hump HIS pillow or one of my friends arms, legs, even face. He's alot of fun though.

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Three dogs- Golden retriever (tilly), Berniese mountain dog (ziggy), and someone just recently gave us a puppy Boston Terrier (binky) because they couldn't take car of it. I'll get the pics later from my mom, i can't find the camera right now.

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Ive got one 15 year old choclate lab, and this little guy, Cheech, the coolest dog ever

Yeah you got the pup into a sweater :) We did that over the winter, we had a ball getting her into the sweater but once she was in it she was ok. I gotta get some new pics of her at my work computer and I'll post them.

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My gf and I we have two budgies (Australian parrots), one blue and the other albino (all white, red eyes). I hate it when they eat the paper off the walls, but other than that they are darn funny.

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My family has 2 dogs. A springer Spanial, she(snoopy) is black and white.

Are other dog(tiki) is a mix between a shit-zu and bishon-frise. I will try to post some pics when I figure out how to.

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Found this post again and thought it was neat, wanted to add on. 6 cats (Zack, Zoe, Zena, Ziggy, Zeus, Zola) 2 dogs (Max, Maddie) and 3 turtles (Jack, Jenna, Jeremy)

Yes, my mother and I find the beginning letter thing funny.

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