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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Is it eating grass? My dog usually starts getting his grass munch on about this time and ends up becoming a pudding factory.

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Had a dog when I was growing up...Collie named Shelby. My GF has 2 cats...Sparkles & Spaz (she let her kids name them).

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I am a reptile enthusiast (sp?).

1 (male) Green Tree Python - Stu

2 (males) Bearded Dragons - Ozzy and Homer

4 Crested Gecko's (all males, best things ever) - Drix, Sir Charles, Bart, and Fred

my favourites are definately the Crested Gecko's because they are such energetic little guys. Very easy to care for. The eat freakin' baby food (Gerber is their fav.) so you don't have to worry about expensive food supply.

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ive got a dog(mutt a mix of corky and golden lab) and a albino cat..the funny story is i never planned on getting a cat last summer it showed up on my door step and i feed it and it hasnt left yet so now its an indoor cat.

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Got an English Setter. We picked her up through a rescue. Right after we got her the cat died, that little vindictive s**t.

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Ugh, thru marriage I guess I'll be adding a long-haired chihuahua. I can see this dog "accidentally" running away.

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Whats the point in lying i know you havent got a Pitbull you just said that because you think they're cool!(btw i know this person so i'm not just saying this to some random guy!)Oh and he actually has a dog called jack that's a cross between something or other(not a pitbull though)

I've got 2 cats Mickey and Tilly (i didn't name them btw!)

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