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Cats-Eye Alternative mask

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I currently use the Bauer 4000 helmet w/ the True Vision cage. I am looking for a Cats-eye type cage that fits a regular helmet. Both the ITECH JFM50 and the BAUER JM30 are too big/wide. Does anyone know of a mask that would be the same size as a regular cage with a larger eye opening? Being HEC approved is not a consideation. I still want to use a full cage and will not go back to a clear visor w/ cage.

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First off, let me preface this by saying I wear a mask so I don't have firsthand experience with current cages/helmets.

That having been said, Sport Mask markets cages for their Mage goalie helmet that they claim fit any model helmet.

Sport Mask Mage page

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this should be in the goalie section

No, it shouldn't. He's looking for a cat eye mask that a player can wear.

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That HV-1 cage looks interesting. For anyone who has used one --are the cat eyes small enough that the puck cannot pass through? Also, are the spaces on the sides big enough for the puck to go through?

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does anyone remember a long time ago when Philadelphias netminder at the time,( maybe cechmanek) got a puck stuck in his cage, and the trainers couldn't get it out...this was in playoffs by the way.

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That HV-1 cage looks interesting. For anyone who has used one --are the cat eyes small enough that the puck cannot pass through? Also, are the spaces on the sides big enough for the puck to go through?

a puck will fit through if it hits at the exact angle. the sides are very open.

the purpose of this cage is not to replace a standard full cage, or a full shield. this product is really for the player that wears nothing, and is looking to pick up some protection. you are still at risk of injury, however, that risk is greatly reduced.

the company is in the final stages of production on a new model, that will have smaller eye holes, and more protection on the side. i am hoping for a sample in the next couple weeks. i will keep you guys updated.

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the company is in the final stages of production on a new model, that will have smaller eye holes, and more protection on the side. i am hoping for a sample in the next couple weeks. i will keep you guys updated.

Have you heard anything?

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