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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Just saw the Nike Bauer 06 Catalogue at work

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Why can't company's just make a traditional glvoe like the HG1 or Easton customs and just continue to improve it each year? These don't even look like hockey gloves now.

I agree 110%.

I mean heck, I didn't even mind like the quest 1's and stuff. I would actually rather see them bring out a new quest glove than this ugly piece of garbage. Where have all the poly inserts gone in bauer's gloves too? they got none in these or the XX.

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Why can't company's just make a traditional glvoe like the HG1 or Easton customs and just continue to improve it each year? These don't even look like hockey gloves now.

I agree 110%.

I mean heck, I didn't even mind like the quest 1's and stuff. I would actually rather see them bring out a new quest glove than this ugly piece of garbage. Where have all the poly inserts gone in bauer's gloves too? they got none in these or the XX.

The new supreme gloves DO look like ass. The One90 gloves are probably the ugliest things I've ever seen...

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Why can't company's just make a traditional glvoe like the HG1 or Easton customs and just continue to improve it each year? These don't even look like hockey gloves now.

I agree 110%.

I mean heck, I didn't even mind like the quest 1's and stuff. I would actually rather see them bring out a new quest glove than this ugly piece of garbage. Where have all the poly inserts gone in bauer's gloves too? they got none in these or the XX.

The new supreme gloves DO look like ass. The One90 gloves are probably the ugliest things I've ever seen...

First guy i play against wearing them im going to slash his hands and make sure he never puts them gloves on again. They look so stupid.

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Why can't company's just make a traditional glvoe like the HG1 or Easton customs and just continue to improve it each year? These don't even look like hockey gloves now.

I agree 110%.

I mean heck, I didn't even mind like the quest 1's and stuff. I would actually rather see them bring out a new quest glove than this ugly piece of garbage. Where have all the poly inserts gone in bauer's gloves too? they got none in these or the XX.

The new supreme gloves DO look like ass. The One90 gloves are probably the ugliest things I've ever seen...

First guy i play against wearing them im going to slash his hands and make sure he never puts them gloves on again. They look so stupid.

What if he doesn't like your helmet?

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im mostly inlove with the One60 Woody and the XXX Lite Pants. Then it's the ONE90 skates. 90 glove, not so much but it looks interesting.

the pants are great...JR, now I don't have to get you pics :D they are pretty similar...and dry quickly as well..

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Why can't company's just make a traditional glvoe like the HG1 or Easton customs and just continue to improve it each year? These don't even look like hockey gloves now.

I agree 110%.

I mean heck, I didn't even mind like the quest 1's and stuff. I would actually rather see them bring out a new quest glove than this ugly piece of garbage. Where have all the poly inserts gone in bauer's gloves too? they got none in these or the XX.

The new supreme gloves DO look like ass. The One90 gloves are probably the ugliest things I've ever seen...

First guy i play against wearing them im going to slash his hands and make sure he never puts them gloves on again. They look so stupid.

What if he doesn't like your helmet?

Most of the guys wear the same helmets in our leagues :P I was just trying to make a point.

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the one90 gloves look like veloceraptors to me :D

the weirdest part by far is that wrap around palm, but it looks pretty comfortable.

also, what's the diff. between the XXX lite and hte XXX? seems exactly the same. and 420 grams isn't really light enought to deserve the extra "lite" what with 400 and sub 400 gram sticks around.

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From what i hear of those who have held the XXX lite, they say that it seems much lighter than the XXX and better balenced. Easton actually picked up the wieght on the stealths from what the catalogue says, so it seems like at least these two companies are trying to make a better stick all around, not just all lightweight. <_<

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I actually like these gloves! The Red/blue color on the catalogue doesn't do them justice. If you guys look at Naslund's color scheme on the other thread they look pretty good!

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quick question, they keeping the vapor xx skate and its look or are they changing anything with it?

I believe the Vapor XX is officially canceled

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The new One90 gloves look like Rock climbing gloves lol! The one90 skates look slightly different to the earlyer pictures we had of them. :blink:

Like the new skate holders tho! :D

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just saw the one90 skate today and ordered a custom pair from my rep. Thing I heard incase it hasnt been noted is the steel from the one90 wont fit into the holder of a XXX. the boot looks great and there a skinny heel and a very shallow ankle depth so be good for me since im in the G3's. Also got a jacket from that unlock your game event which is super nice

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Why can't company's just make a traditional glvoe like the HG1 or Easton customs and just continue to improve it each year? These don't even look like hockey gloves now.

I agree. Traditional style gloves (or whatever random product you can imagine, hockey or non-hockey products alike) will never be "out of style" but will always be around even if they're slightly modified and improved once in a while. The modern funky style stuff will be hip for a year or two and then cease to exist, only to get replaced by some other weird non-traditional design.

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Why can't company's just make a traditional glvoe like the HG1 or Easton customs and just continue to improve it each year? These don't even look like hockey gloves now.

I agree. Traditional style gloves (or whatever random product you can imagine, hockey or non-hockey products alike) will never be "out of style" but will always be around even if they're slightly modified and improved once in a while. The modern funky style stuff will be hip for a year or two and then cease to exist, only to get replaced by some other weird non-traditional design.

Reminds me of when Mission tried to go with all those funky 3 fingered gloves....they finally saw the light and went to the traditional styling and 4 fingered gloves.

Problem with Nike (Which RBK has avoided) is when they are in a "new" area of sport...they gimmick it up first before the get it right.

Most customers want evolution....not revolution. Nike seems to always to try revolutionize their product line instead of evolving them.

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Why can't company's just make a traditional glvoe like the HG1 or Easton customs and just continue to improve it each year? These don't even look like hockey gloves now.

I agree. Traditional style gloves (or whatever random product you can imagine, hockey or non-hockey products alike) will never be "out of style" but will always be around even if they're slightly modified and improved once in a while. The modern funky style stuff will be hip for a year or two and then cease to exist, only to get replaced by some other weird non-traditional design.

Reminds me of when Mission tried to go with all those funky 3 fingered gloves....they finally saw the light and went to the traditional styling and 4 fingered gloves.

Problem with Nike (Which RBK has avoided) is when they are in a "new" area of sport...they gimmick it up first before the get it right.

Most customers want evolution....not revolution. Nike seems to always to try revolutionize their product line instead of evolving them.

You would be surprised to hear how many people in the industry liked the three finger glove.

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I don't see a reason bauer ever stopped production on the supreme 5000 gloves. They were great.

they were great but too bulky with what people want in a love now a days they want light,they want comfort they dont want clunky gloves.

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I don't see a reason bauer ever stopped production on the supreme 5000 gloves. They were great.

they were great but too bulky with what people want in a love now a days they want light,they want comfort they dont want clunky gloves.

it's all hype :P

neither ryan smyth nor wayne gretzky had any trouble scoring with 10" cuff's :lol:

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I don't see a reason bauer ever stopped production on the supreme 5000 gloves. They were great.

they were great but too bulky with what people want in a love now a days they want light,they want comfort they dont want clunky gloves.

it's all hype :P

neither ryan smyth nor wayne gretzky had any trouble scoring with 10" cuff's :lol:

agreed they didnt but kids now a days want the lightest and greatest thing. nike/bauer and rbk are all marketing companies.they see what kids want and they make it since kids are the biggest target because there always buying new things every year

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neither ryan smyth nor wayne gretzky had any trouble scoring with 10" cuff's :lol:

Old school: protect the wrists from NHL hackers.

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I don't see a reason bauer ever stopped production on the supreme 5000 gloves. They were great.

they were great but too bulky with what people want in a love now a days they want light,they want comfort they dont want clunky gloves.

it's all hype :P

neither ryan smyth nor wayne gretzky had any trouble scoring with 10" cuff's :lol:

agreed they didnt but kids now a days want the lightest and greatest thing. nike/bauer and rbk are all marketing companies.they see what kids want and they make it since kids are the biggest target because there always buying new things every year

But what kind of marketshare are they going to get with two "high tech" lines of gloves. The top ones, which the older players who are fully grown will supossedly buy, many more people who are fully grown are adults, who would defenately rather have something more traditional.

And just for the record, is there any traditional backrolled gloves besides the L7, Eagles, and MIA's? Should the easton's second 2 be counted?

Also, I think whoever's idea it was to have that ackward looking NBH logo on the stuff should be shot. It looks awful. Why couldn't they just make the shoosh with the Bauer "B" thing on the front?

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