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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM/RBK 2006 lineup changes

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Vector skates redesigned, 10.0 8.0, 6.0, 4.0 numbering. Silver w/blue trims

Vector sticks redesigned, same numbering as above

Tack line of protective gone, replaced with 10.0 8.0, etc Vector line. Sweet looking stuuf, looks like Nike.

Tack skates same as 05

Tack gloves same as 05

Vector gloves same as 05

Helmets no 1092, 892, etc

RBK adds a 6k Helmet, no dial, same liner and look. Now comes in combo, the new cage is neat. 8k helmet comes in combo too

New 7k replacement blades. New 4k blades

Protective same as 05

6k shafts

3 new model goal skates, 2 with pump, all with replaceable steel

3 new model CCM goal skates Vectors

That's it for now.

Got my 9k and 5k pumps today!

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Weird i was about to make a topic about it...just saw the 7k replacement blade,it now say xxx-stiff on the blade(Damn that most be stiff as hell!!! lolll) and it is now the most expensive blade sold(130cnd +15% of quebec tax!)

I thought rbk stuff was nice because they had shaft for 150cnd6k and 100cnd for 5k one the competition were selling them at 180cnd and more... but now with a blade at 150cnd....

Also the lenght of the blade(where the rbk is marked) is 1/4 inch lower...

But what is suppose to be better than the 6k??

And did you manage to see the stick and shaft...you said that they was a new 6k shaft...

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I thought they have 6K shafts already (maybe you meant 7K, since you mentioned a 7K blade)? And what is different about the 7K blades? Are they still tapered?

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I thought they have 6K shafts already (maybe you meant 7K, since you mentioned a 7K blade)? And what is different about the 7K blades? Are they still tapered?

Sorry about that, meant 7k shaft and 6k blade. Yes, the 6k is tapered

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Wait, there already is a 6K blade though isn't there? I thought you meant 7K shaft and blades... And if you did mean 7K shaft and 6K blade, is th 7K shaft tapered as well? And what is different about it than the 6K shaft?


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there is 7k blade out there...and they are tapered(you can read my post i talk about it) or maybe my english is too bad...my bad!

so i assume there is a new 7k tapered shaft, and where is what i think...

I bought a 6k pro stock on ebay(still waiting for it) but i've been told that this 6k version or the 6k shat is pretty the same weight as a synthesis or L-2...so how come the 7k at 395 gram is really more ligther than the 6k tapered shaft??you would have think they are the same

My thought: the 6k shaft is like a mix of the 5k and 7k...same grip and taper technology as the 7k but with the weight of the 5k... and the new 7k shaft must be like a r2xn10...very light with a grip...(and this tapered shaft,light,grip and mid flex is my ideal dream shaft!) lol...i know what i whant...

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A 6 K Helmet -- now thats a good idea- tried on the 8K a few weeks ago -- crazy comfortable and light-- but 200$$ is to much . Not to fond of the look of them to.


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Seems to my like it's a Repainted & Renamed v130, looks like they took a page out of Eastons book and hired a colour blind "artist" to do their grafik's (and otherwise keep the sticks the same)

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I can't remember if this has been posted,but, I have heard that RBK/CCM is talking with Hefter to purchase that helmet and bring it out under the ccm VECTOR name.

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