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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Where do you live, and who do you play for?

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I live in Belleville, IL (20 miles east of St. Louis). I used to play beer-league hockey, now I help coach my son. He is 9 and plays goalie. I would love to get with some others from the Belleville area -- just to BS about hockey and maybe set up a drop-in game with some kids/adults (just for fun).

Statewars rink, really nice place, I live in central Illinois, playing on 2 Ice teams, one HS, the other is About as good as the midget major team but we cant play in their league, then roller is a pickup team I'm on and Travel.

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Live in London in the UK! Play for Haringey U19s.

I love London so much. I have been there twice and would love to move there when I am older. Which part of town do you live in?

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Avon Old Farms in Connecticut. I'm playing for varsity B, but looking to maybe leave school to play junior because I'm not happy playing VB.

We don't have a bad team, we were winning against Cathedral High in Mass for more than 2/3 of the game. Some of us broke down at the end. We beat East Longmeadow 4-1 last night too. I know I can play on a higher level than this though.

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St-Jerome, Quebec

St-Jerome Panthers Junior AAA...

Hey Havok, do you ever go to the Cobras game(in the La plaine forum). We played against them two sundays ago there and one game last tuesday in St-Jerome. We killed them 9-3.

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