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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RBK Crosby Commercial

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For anyone who hasn't seen the reebok commercial with crosby in it, you are FOR SURE missing out. Do yourself a favor and go to www.rbkhockey.com and watch the commercial on the home site. It made me smile and feel warm and fuzzy inside. ;)

For any of you who feel distraught at the time you spend in the rink and aren't in the NHL yet, hopefully it will inspire you like it did for me. :D

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hmmm... ok commercial but its more about crosby than rbk. but im probably biased cause i will never be as good as crosby or even teh worst nhl'er.

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That add is sweat. I watched it at least 5 times. It shows how comitted he is and how much time at the rink it takes to make it to the show. I doubt they will ever play those type of adds here in the States. Thanx

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Had the same effect on me too... but only I know that I can't play in the NHL because there are hardly any scouts here in Scotland.

More like EIHL probably.

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i bet there are tons of people in the NHL who didnt spend all that time at a rink. do we even know if HE actualy did?

no, there are very few players who ever got good without tons and tons of practice. Those who did however possess mental traits that are very helpful in staying cool under pressure naturally though.

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Very nice commercial, simple and direct, one word that comes out of it, dedication.

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I like it.  Kind of reminiscent of a Nike or Adidas basketball commercial. It is a good commercial and it really inspired me.

Great commercial and It does remind me of a nike commercial.

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I like it.  Kind of reminiscent of a Nike or Adidas basketball commercial. It is a good commercial and it really inspired me.

Great commercial and It does remind me of a nike commercial.

That's because Nike has been making most of the best sports-related commercials for the last decade or so. It's a hell of a lot better than the NHL commercials but still not on par with the better Nike spots.

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and this whole time i was expecting for him to say

"I am what I am.." :P

not too bad of a commercial though

Yeah i was waiting for that line too.

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I really like that!!! I doubt they will show it in the uk tho. <_<

lol deathmoves they will only show that in the uk when the people find out what ice hockey is

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i bet there are tons of people in the NHL who didnt spend all that time at a rink. do we even know if HE actualy did?

When I'm not in school (or checking-in here), almost all of my time is spent at the rink or lifting weights, and I doubt I'll make it past Junior A - and it's yet-to-be-seen if I'll even play that. I can't even imagine what the guys in the Show went through when they were my age.

I could never play a game above the Midget Major AAA level, and I would still consider the absolutely incredible number of hours I have spent at the rink to be time very well spent. I can't imagine living my life any other way.

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Yeah... but... skillful people don't have to work very hard to beat people who can only work hard...

If you ain't got skill you'll never make it to the big show, or in some's case, Junior A ;)

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I know fellas, that commercial is so good.....

Anyways, for the guys who cant afford the 9K pumps, theres also the 5K Pumps,

I just put some miles on em today....outa the box, most comfortable skate Ive ever worn outa the box in my entire life.....xcellent skate, good feel...do yourself a favor and try a pair

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