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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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One if by land, two if by slapper...

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One Goal has not replied to my queries. I've never attended a show before, and their site lacks info. Are they supposed to send us an information package after we register online? Anyone...?

i sent them an e-mail last night and had the info i needed this afternoon. Here is some contact info if you need it.

Marisa Viviani

Show Manager

Tel. (514) 904-0273

Fax (514) 393-3966

Toll free 1-877-261-9808 (Canada & US)

email: info@onegoalhockeyshow.net


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LOL, yes she does!

Thanks for the info UMWhockey. I use the info provided on the web. I'll have to give them another ring.

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January 7-9 in Boston. There is also a Vegas show on January 9-11.

The presumption is the Boston show will be larger, since most of the larger manufacturers are not displaying in Vegas, but it will be interesting to see what the final attendence is at each location. The manufacturers want one show, since it's quite expensive to exhibit: booth rental, freight, travel expenses, brochures, giveaways perhaps....

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January 7-9 in Boston. There is also a Vegas show on January 9-11.

The presumption is the Boston show will be larger, since most of the larger manufacturers are not displaying in Vegas, but it will be interesting to see what the final attendence is at each location. The manufacturers want one show, since it's quite expensive to exhibit: booth rental, freight, travel expenses, brochures, giveaways perhaps....

They would have had one show if the CSGA and IHIA had lived up to their agreement to only have one show in 2005(Vegas). It was ok to only have one show in 2004 when it was in Toronto but heaven forbid there was no show in/near Canada in 2005.

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I didn't realize the "politics" went back that far -- I thought this was a recent phenomenon.

I tell ya, I'd really like to see one show, and I don't care where and when it would be. It could be in Tulsa for all I care, so long as that is the location that draws the most attendees. Just as you might run an ad and would like to see increased traffic in the store, it's the same for me. I've spent a decent portion of my advertising budget, and I want as many retailers as possible seeing my products.

Unfortunately, however, I already know that anywhere from 200 to maybe even 1000 aren't going to see the equipment.

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So LPH is allowing non-buyers into the show this year??what an f'ing gong show that will be....

It's not like that would artificially inflate attendance or anything. :rolleyes: Then again IHIA is doing the same thing.

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I'd like some opinions from the retailers.

I know you don't like having to place booking orders, but there is an advantage from the manufacturer's perspective to have an idea how much equipment needs to be produced for the year. Consequently, without requiring a booking order, I'd like to incent the retailers to place an order at the show.

To that end, what is more appealing to you: Free shipping on all orders placed at the show? Or a free OPS for every X dollars purchased at the show?

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I'm disappointed to say that I will not be able to attend the show for budgetary reasons. Very last minute decision, but this holiday has killed me.

I was looking forward to meeting the MSH mods and members. Enjoy the show guys, and keep us posted.

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I'd like some opinions from the retailers.

I know you don't like having to place booking orders, but there is an advantage from the manufacturer's perspective to have an idea how much equipment needs to be produced for the year. Consequently, without requiring a booking order, I'd like to incent the retailers to place an order at the show.

To that end, what is more appealing to you: Free shipping on all orders placed at the show? Or a free OPS for every X dollars purchased at the show?


Free shipping is huge. The OPS idea is ok but I would take the shipping for free anyday.

As far as politics and dissension go, this nonsense has been going on since the first CSGA show in Montreal, whenever that was. The first CSGA show I went to was in 1981. New vendors would be in a basement, 2nd year guys in the balcony, and then finally, if you were still in the hockey industry you made it to the main floor as a vendor. In this industry, one group is always pissed at another group. For a long time, western Canadian shops were pissed about having to fly into Montreal every year for the show. The same sentiment was from the West coast USA dealers. But the show had everybody under one roof, in the awesome hockey city of Montreal with the Habs and St Catherine street, Peel St for drinks, and Chez Paris or Wicked Wanda's for entertainment. Those were the days when the industry was moving upward and all vendors and dealers were in it together. If you couldn't buy one product from one vendor the next booth had something just as good. Now, its a whole different ball game and its up to vendors and dealers to work with what it is. I don't cry in my beer about the good old days. I just move forward and play the hand that is dealt to me. I'm not going to worry about Vegas being upset with Onegoal. I have a shop to run and buy product for. That fight doesn't interest me and won't influence my buying decisions in the long run. If they want to piss and moan at each other, let them have at it.

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Actually, Let's Play Hockey has let non-industry people in the last few years....as long as they paid the freight. I think it was $100 or $150.

Even some Industry peopole weren't allowed in. Jim, I know you know the one Crazy guy in the puck business. Well Mr. LPH tried to keep him out and said he hadn't bought a booth and wasn't a Retailer....so he had to pay like all the "other" non Retailer/non-vendor people. He ended up getting in without actually paying. Some of his 'friends' got him in but as you say, sort of a gong show for sure.

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I'd like some opinions from the retailers.

I know you don't like having to place booking orders, but there is an advantage from the manufacturer's perspective to have an idea how much equipment needs to be produced for the year. Consequently, without requiring a booking order, I'd like to incent the retailers to place an order at the show.

To that end, what is more appealing to you: Free shipping on all orders placed at the show? Or a free OPS for every X dollars purchased at the show?


Free shipping is huge. The OPS idea is ok but I would take the shipping for free anyday.

As far as politics and dissension go, this nonsense has been going on since the first CSGA show in Montreal, whenever that was. The first CSGA show I went to was in 1981. New vendors would be in a basement, 2nd year guys in the balcony, and then finally, if you were still in the hockey industry you made it to the main floor as a vendor. In this industry, one group is always pissed at another group. For a long time, western Canadian shops were pissed about having to fly into Montreal every year for the show. The same sentiment was from the West coast USA dealers. But the show had everybody under one roof, in the awesome hockey city of Montreal with the Habs and St Catherine street, Peel St for drinks, and Chez Paris or Wicked Wanda's for entertainment. Those were the days when the industry was moving upward and all vendors and dealers were in it together. If you couldn't buy one product from one vendor the next booth had something just as good. Now, its a whole different ball game and its up to vendors and dealers to work with what it is. I don't cry in my beer about the good old days. I just move forward and play the hand that is dealt to me. I'm not going to worry about Vegas being upset with Onegoal. I have a shop to run and buy product for. That fight doesn't interest me and won't influence my buying decisions in the long run. If they want to piss and moan at each other, let them have at it.

But Montreal in November? It will be interesting to see what that attendance is like.

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What was Vegas's attendence like?

One of the exhibitors told me it was dead. He said he had spoken to twenty people on Monday and five people halfway through Tuesday.

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What was Vegas's attendence like?

One of the exhibitors told me it was dead. He said he had spoken to twenty people on Monday and five people halfway through Tuesday.

It was lighter than Boston, but about what I expected considering the biggest vendors were in Boston. A lot of the vendors I spoke with were pleased that they could spend more time with each person that stopped in.

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