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Dying with their skates on...

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this happend 2 months ago september in etobicoke, ontario.

i missed the game, but my team played a guy who collapsed, and died on the ice.

i dont know all the details, but apparently the guy vomited, and no one performed CPR. sadly, one of my team mates was a paramedic, and missed that game.

when it is your time to go.. there's nothing you can do...

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In the rec league I play in, a guy on another team last week collapsed in the locker room after a game and went into cardiac arrest. Some other players gave him CPR until the medics arrived, and apparently saved his life.

I've taken the CPR course but never had to use it. It's worth doing if you get the chance, not just for this scenario. Most people who administer CPR perform it on someone in their family.

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A few years ago a guy in the league I play in had a heart attack during the game and finished the game on the bench. His wife made him go to the hospital after the game and he pulled through.

The article made me think that maybe I should get one of those heartrate monitors as I'm a big guy by hockey standards (6'3", 290 lbs) and odds are pretty good that I could become one of those guys who dies on the ice.

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A guy here in Maryland died but it was an anurysm. Died on the bench after warm up and before the game started.

If it was better to walk around during shifts, then why would the NHL guys not do that? Better to walk around when you are not in shape or something?

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A few years ago a guy in the league I play in had a heart attack during the game and finished the game on the bench. His wife made him go to the hospital after the game and he pulled through.

The article made me think that maybe I should get one of those heartrate monitors as I'm a big guy by hockey standards (6'3", 290 lbs) and odds are pretty good that I could become one of those guys who dies on the ice.

290! :o

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A guy here in Maryland died but it was an anurysm. Died on the bench after warm up and before the game started.

If it was better to walk around during shifts, then why would the NHL guys not do that? Better to walk around when you are not in shape or something?

I think b/c NHLers generally don't have room to move around on the bench, and because they're in far better shape than the average joe. That being said, it would be difficult to organize your line changes if you have 20 guys wandering around the bench and in the hallway b/w shifts...also, the article said something about how sitting lowers your heartrate too quickly - you should avoid peaks and valleys in the heartrate...

Hey Reaper, wouldn't having one of those things strapped to your chest and then seeing every five minutes that your heartrate was something like 180 freak you out? I think I'd be less inclined to go all out with that information wrapped around my wrist, partly b/c I'm paranoid, and partly b/c I'm out of shape.

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is it just me or is hockey not a sport that gets you in shape? you need to get in shape to play hockey, but since most rec league games are just under an hour long (and is divided into shifts) it won't really give your heart "proper" exercise? it's like short bursts with longer periods of nothing.

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is it just me or is hockey not a sport that gets you in shape? you need to get in shape to play hockey, but since most rec league games are just under an hour long (and is divided into shifts) it won't really give your heart "proper" exercise? it's like short bursts with longer periods of nothing.

I think it's better than not exercising at all...and depending on how short or long the bench is, you can get a very good aerobic/anaerobic workout from it I think...

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I"m sure they would get similar results with many weekend warriors in different sports..

I've heard that rec basketball and squash also have similar incidents, but not as frequently as hockey because hockey has more full-out effort / sprinting, followed by a sit on the bench.

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