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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RBK Olympic Gloves/ OPS 1/15/06

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Shame England are useless, i would be all over their gear, sure oakley could have come up with some cool designs. Has anyone been customising their own country colours on photoshop?

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By the way. Does anyone know of a manufacturer that can embroider a flag on the thumb like on these Eagles when custom ordering gloves? I would really love to customise gloves to Team Greece specs  :rolleyes:

I can guarantee you that Ross would do up an Eagle OL06 glove for you in Greece colors and flag! He is a very proud Greek.

Thank you SRI. Could you give me a lead to Ross? I don´t know who he is.

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By the way. Does anyone know of a manufacturer that can embroider a flag on the thumb like on these Eagles when custom ordering gloves? I would really love to customise gloves to Team Greece specs  :blink:

I can guarantee you that Ross would do up an Eagle OL06 glove for you in Greece colors and flag! He is a very proud Greek.

Thank you SRI. Could you give me a lead to Ross? I don´t know who he is.

Contact your local Eagle dealer. If they ask for it, Eagle will do it.

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By the way. Does anyone know of a manufacturer that can embroider a flag on the thumb like on these Eagles when custom ordering gloves? I would really love to customise gloves to Team Greece specs  :rolleyes:

I can guarantee you that Ross would do up an Eagle OL06 glove for you in Greece colors and flag! He is a very proud Greek.

Thank you SRI. Could you give me a lead to Ross? I don´t know who he is.

Contact your local Eagle dealer. If they ask for it, Eagle will do it.

I see your point Chadd but there is no Eagle Dealer in Germany. Hell even the guys from TPS who are distributors for Germany and Austria over here were unable to support me with custom ordering.

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By the way. Does anyone know of a manufacturer that can embroider a flag on the thumb like on these Eagles when custom ordering gloves? I would really love to customise gloves to Team Greece specs  :unsure:

I can guarantee you that Ross would do up an Eagle OL06 glove for you in Greece colors and flag! He is a very proud Greek.

Thank you SRI. Could you give me a lead to Ross? I don´t know who he is.

Contact your local Eagle dealer. If they ask for it, Eagle will do it.

So what do custom Eagles cost anyway? Assuming I want the full she-bang and a flag stitched on either cuff, one American, one German.

Inserts, split fingers, 1/2" longer cuffs (if it can be done), and other stuff perhaps. I don't really know what the options are.

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By the way. Does anyone know of a manufacturer that can embroider a flag on the thumb like on these Eagles when custom ordering gloves? I would really love to customise gloves to Team Greece specs  :unsure:

I can guarantee you that Ross would do up an Eagle OL06 glove for you in Greece colors and flag! He is a very proud Greek.

Thank you SRI. Could you give me a lead to Ross? I don´t know who he is.

Contact your local Eagle dealer. If they ask for it, Eagle will do it.

So what do custom Eagles cost anyway? Assuming I want the full she-bang and a flag stitched on either cuff, one American, one German.

Inserts, split fingers, 1/2" longer cuffs (if it can be done), and other stuff perhaps. I don't really know what the options are.

About $220 USD.

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i noticed that on the cuff of the RBKs was the flag, and on the thumb is a differnt logo. what is that other logo on the other countries gloves?

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By the way. Does anyone know of a manufacturer that can embroider a flag on the thumb like on these Eagles when custom ordering gloves? I would really love to customise gloves to Team Greece specs  :ph34r:

I can guarantee you that Ross would do up an Eagle OL06 glove for you in Greece colors and flag! He is a very proud Greek.

Word. Gonna have to hit up Ross to make me a Haitian version...

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The German shield.

right. on the German one. but what about the rest of the countries? just curious what some of the other teams logos might be.

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Greece?? I believe that is one of the few countries that doesn't have a hockey rink. :rolleyes:

haha, one kid on my hockey team last year was thinking about trying out for the greek national team at their one rink in athens :D

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