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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What to do with girlfriends old crap?

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Make up a great story and post stuff in an ebay auction. If the story is good enough, you should be able to make a couple of bucks.

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Call her and ask when you can pick up all your clothes? You said you just sent her stuff back and expected her to do the same, so it sounds like you arn't even communicating. Sure, relationships hurt when they end, but it's time to mature at some point.

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I figure jail has the internet so he can't be there. Maybe he's on a Christian mission? Okay, so he's probably dead.

I think prison has the internet, but I don't think jail does. Not 100% sure on that one.

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Company Christmas party this weekend, I will be the test subject for this.

We usually keep that kind of stuff in house (not that anybody gets too crazy in our company).

BTW mack, nice Chapelle quote in your sig.

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We do too. It's funny how when we had to RSVP for it that people looked at me in shock that I'm bringing the wife because apparently it's a big faux pas to actually bring anyone to these things. I just hope I don't show and it looks like "Eyes Wide Shut" because I'm horrible with passwords and near-dead hookers.

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This happened to me once, girl had literally all of my comftorable clothes, sweatpants, hoodies, silk boxers...etc she wouldn't give them back, so I found someone who was a mutual friend of ours, and I told that person to steal me her cell phone, I then told her if she wasnt gonna give me her clothes, she wasnt gonna get her cellphone back...I got my clothes back, then the chick realizes she still loves me, comes over out of the blue, is looking around and asks where all the pictures and posters and shit she gave me is, I take her out back to the fire pit to show her the remains...she straight up ran off and drove home, called me on the phone, and made me listen to her cry for like 3 hours...bottom line is the look on her face when she realized I burned her shit, was well worth me feeling like a dick for her crying for 3 hours.

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I don't get how someone can keep all your stuff and expect you not to be angry about it. She's lucky it was just the pictures that were burned and not her tires being slashed.

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I'm going with the stick it in her best friend answer....Why and what the hell is she doing with your stuff. Why would she keep it? Obsession?

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I'd say to invest in some kerosene, but it's already been noted. That and some old fashioned matches, wooden and all...

That, and maybe a paper bag full of feline (or canine) fecal matter on her doorstep lit a-fire. :D

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Those pics are always kept...

Haha, yup! I have THOSE pics, and movie. I'm a dirty, dirty, dog.

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LOL, I dont know why she wouldnt give it back. When we first brokeup I said to send me my stuff back and she said I was being immature. Then her roommate called me and bitched at me for being immature for wanting it back as well. I didnt think it was in the first place, and the other day I tryed to talk to her online and she wouldnt reply until she finally said "I dont know what to say" so I just got off the internet. Anyways, it was 2 months ago and Christmas is coming, so I'm just getting new stuff. Atleast it won't smell like girl... even though its proboly sitting in the bottom of her closet cause that slut is with someone else now and wearing all his clothes!

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Oooh, long-distance. Sorry kid, that thing was doomed from the get-go. Besides, crossing state lines makes stuff, uh, federal.

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get together for one last fling, and make her the Angry Dragon <======(for mature audiences only)

Nice Buzz, nice. I think you stumped some on that one.

I'd say a road trip is in order. You just have to find a short bus somewhere for the journey.

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