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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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who else was great at one timing the puck?

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well me of course in my 17 year career in the AHL


not sure if it was a true one timer..but a guy like Tim Kerr could get rid of the puck so quickly ...

Bossy was great though, Bourque as well...

Lucky Luc, all I see are his missing those ops with Gretz and everyone else in the 90's while on NYR....ugh..

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nic lidstrom

Isn't Schneider the shooter on the Wings PP?

lidstrom is on the first unit w/ jason williams

schneider is on the 2nd unit (sorry can't remember his pairing)

btw, schneider did get a hat trick v the sharks a couple of weeks ago.

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Bourque was amazing with them. Nowadays everytime I see Kovalchuk on the PP point I can just see his stick bending like gumby.

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many of the players mentioned are good at other things... good play makers.. etc..

i am talking guys who made a career on just one timing the puck

any one who had more assists than goals.. wouldnt qualify.. or if the puck only had to travel 2 feet

the best garbage men (goals that travelled less than 2 feet) of all time are probably tim kerr, gary roberts

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Mogilny was (and probably still is) with his wrist shot when he holds his hands really high on the shaft. One big sweeping motion, its great to see.

edit to add if you can call a wrist shot a onetimer :)

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Dale Hawerchuck had and still has a nasty one-timer.

I was out with him last week and boy can he get that thing off fast.

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wow - no one's mentioned Jari Kurri yet...

How many of his 500'ish goals did he get from one-timers off of Gretzky's passes? When he and #99 were on a 2 on 1, it was automatic...

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Besides Hull, I would have to say Mike Bossy. Jari Kurri, #17, would be up there on my list as a great sniper as well.

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mccabe is #1 the short list of NHL players i've seen consistantly 1 time the puck. the run he had in the playoffs in 04 with leetch was incredible, he had like 8 goals or something all off one timers.

kovalchuk is also has a great one timer, even though he seems to be able to aim it only at one place, but am i right in assuming that about 50% of the one timer is in the pass?

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