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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Epuck has 06' Z-bubble grip and non grip)

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i would like to buy one if i can scrape up some money or sell my tps shaft. i dont like how huge the word easton is on it but that wouldnt stop me from using it.

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Does anybody know why when easton brings out their new models they dont have a 110 flex--I have noticed this with every o6 model that has come out so far.

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110 isnt very popular...85 and 100 are...the most buying flex is 100...

That makes sense because they are always hard to find. I just always thougt they sold out of them. It's tough because I like the 100 flex for wrist and back hands but the 110 for slapshots--gives one hell of a snap..And sense I play D I take alot of slap shots.

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Does anybody know why when easton brings out their new models they dont have a 110 flex--I have noticed this with every o6 model that has come out so far.

The '06 Ultra Lite I picked up is 110 flex, but yeah, generally speaking retailers don't seem to carry too many 110's.

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thats sweet. If you look under ice hockey equipment and under reviews there is the whole 06 catalogue. check it out most of it is pretty cool

I am too dumb to find it, do you have a link?

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I saw the Z-Bub Grip last night - someone got one as a warranty replacement. UUUUUGLY...

I agree. I think they dropped the ball by finishing all their sticks in opaque paint. The carbon weave look is much nicer in my opinion.

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im annoyed about no 110 flex , i emailed them and they said that they wont be carring them as they are too stiff for most people, i mean im 15 and i find my 100 flex z bubble to flexy so i wanted a 110 , so if anyone has seen any 110 flexes in the new z bubble or ultralite could you tell me. Cheers B)

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im annoyed about no 110 flex , i emailed them and they said that they wont be carring them as they are too stiff for most people, i mean im 15 and i find my 100 flex z bubble to flexy so i wanted a 110 , so if anyone has seen any 110 flexes in the new z bubble or ultralite could you tell me. Cheers B)

Most people actually want their stick to flex on wrist shots.

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no 110 is a shame. I'm a light guy at 145-150 lbs, but I prefer to muscle my shots off, not let the stick do the work.

I hope my Ultra-lite doesnt break soon. <_<

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grip is like a shiny, metallic red while the non is shiny, metallic silver(like chromish colors on the SL)

I think ours look nice, the 06 UL has been popular too.

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They are repainted. I love how you guys just play into Easton's hands. It's the same technology that no body has mentioned since the last z-bubble color change and now all of a sudden its a hot item again.

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They are repainted. I love how you guys just play into Easton's hands. It's the same technology that no body has mentioned since the last z-bubble color change and now all of a sudden its a hot item again.

No one said anything about it being different technology than previous models. People are just discussing the new colors. If you think that's playing into Easton's hands, I guess you're a lot smarter than the rest of us............

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I was just asking...Honestly I dont care...I needed a new shaft with around 85 flex and TPS didnt have one and bauers was too stiff and ive used a zbubble before and really liked it....So thats why I got it...I was just asking...I guess ill find out when i get it...I hope the shaft shape is smaller

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