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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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bauer xxx skates

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i had the XXs and now i have the XXXs and they dont really increase either that much ... overall a nicer skate ... but doesnt change it dramatically, maybe speeds you up a little, and probly not tht much agility wise

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Unfortunately the extra "x" in the label doesn't mean "x"tra speed or "x"tra agility... rather "x"tra money. they're a better skate from a manufacturing standpoint but i doubt you'd be able to discern any difference on the ice... unless you count breakdown time. Again... that's just me and I don't speak for everyone and don't pretend too.

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they're nice for about the 1st 3-4 months, then its all downhill from there. that's why i'm going to graf since my ~7 months in XXX's are over.

edit: does it improve anything? well when they're stiff you can tell the better power transfer, which i guess improves speed.

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They are great skates, but they didn't change my game. I got them only after my Vapor 6 got ruined (heat/trunk/summer).

I am happy with them, but I have always been a more agile/shifty skater than an explosive skater.

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No skate will make you that much faster--marginally, yes. You'll notice a weight difference depending on what you are coming from. Agility wise I don't feel much difference. Again, how well you skate, your conditioning, and your ability is what will make a difference--bottom line.

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if your already a great skater ,these will just be icing on the cake. If your not so great of a skater you might now even notice the difference between 80's tacks and vapor xxx's

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No skate will "make you" anything. The best thing it can do is not hinder your performance. Get the skate that fits your foot best, that will make more of a difference than saving a couple off grams or having the most forward lean.

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true but when many skates fit your foot ,the next step is going for the better performing and more durable skates

performing and durable is kinda an oxymoron i guess

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true but when many skates fit your foot ,the next step is going for the better performing and more durable skates

performing and durable is kinda an oxymoron i guess

It all depends on how you define performance.

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well what do you look for in a skate? what says performance to you?

I don't use "performance" when it comes to skates or protective gear. Durability would be one aspect of performance to me though. If a skate fits your foot well and you are comfortable you will skate better and fast than if it doesn't fit your foot. There will always be one brand or model that fits you better than others once you know what a perfect fit feels like.

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what skate are you in? missions right? both you and jr?

I am in Missions now and I have been for almost two years. They fit my foot better than any other skate I've tried.

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Are you mad don't go from Missions to Vapors. The Mission is a much better boot than the Vapor and will last you a lot longer. As far as speed thats up to yourself, a lighter skate won't substantially improve your speed of manoeverability that takes practice and ice time. Vapors are flashy and light but they definitely have a durability problem that Nike/Bauer still need to deal with.

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as much for speed and agility...the skate really doesnt make you faster or quicker, you may notice some difference with higher end skates but the player is the key factor in that. i switched from xx's to xxx's and i dont really notice too much of a difference, like some ppl already mentioned they are stiffer then the xx boot, and imo they are a little more cut resistant, and there holding up better then my xx's did

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I've had mine for about a year now! They are really good skates! I havent noticed them improving my speed or agility tho, They just feel lighter than my old skates! O yeah they make me Jump higher! Look at my avatar pic lol!

<------------ Lmao look at me jump lol! :lol:

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I've had the xxx's for about a year, definitely noticed an improvement over my xv's, as for speed and agility, skating in them felt better then any other boot i'd ever worn. Like Scstars524, some ppl said i looked faster out there, but I'm sure its mostly a mental thing, like whenever I get a new piece of equipment I seem to play better.

I don't think this should become a debate over buying the skate due to durabilty. If you're looking to buy a pair of XXX's you're clearly looking for a high performance product, and I've yet to see a product that performs extremely well (stealth, 7k, xx's) that is at the same time extremely durable. You can't get the best of both worlds.

I know everyone is going to argue this by saying they had a synergy that lasted two years or something, but i'm talking about super high end product.

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skating in them felt better then any other boot i'd ever worn

That's it for me too. I moved from a soggy old pair of tacks to some v12 flexlite's with superfeet insoles that I had baked. Unbelieveable difference. Normally it's about mid second period before my feet are starting to ache and throb, and with my new skates I'm good all game. Being lighter makes me feel like I have better legs late in games, but I think you would be hard pressed to put these skates up against something almost as "good" like say a pair of v10 flexlites and say honestly that you are skating better with the v12's.

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I don't think this should become a debate over buying the skate due to durabilty. If you're looking to buy a pair of XXX's you're clearly looking for a high performance product, and I've yet to see a product that performs extremely well (stealth, 7k, xx's) that is at the same time extremely durable. You can't get the best of both worlds.

Durability is performance over time, why shouldn't that be a factor when discussing a skate's performance?

We could even get into another discussion about why performance is an inaccurate term to use in reference to a skate, but that's probably best for another topic.

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