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NHL'ers flexes

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Posted on Dec 17 2005, 11:33 AM

  10% using 120? I wish. 

LOL :D , i also have noticed that most nhlers shaft are retailed ones i think because the don't have PRO STOCK NO WARRENTY on the back.

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It's really sad that a lot of kids use stiff sticks even though the NHLer's dont, when you take into account their weight/strength. 100 flex for a 200 pound pro is like a whip or intermediate flex for some of the players on my team, yet they wonder why they don't have good shots. I never go higher than 85, I'd use 70ish flexes, but almost no one except inno and TPS make them in SR.

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50% 100

35% 110

10% 120

5%(Too bad for me lol) less than 90


A lot more under 100

Well sorry, from what i see on this board.and ebay...i find it very hard to found lower than 95 flex in pro stock... so i didn't know they were a lot more player using lower than 100 flex

As for Hull...yea he use 75-80.. but that 1 player on 700 lol... and i can't see how a PRO PLAYER can use 65 flex!!! that way too low...

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50% 100

35% 110

10% 120

5%(Too bad for me lol) less than 90


A lot more under 100

Well sorry, from what i see on this board.and ebay...i find it very hard to found lower than 95 flex in pro stock... so i didn't know they were a lot more player using lower than 100 flex

As for Hull...yea he use 75-80.. but that 1 player on 700 lol... and i can't see how a PRO PLAYER can use 65 flex!!! that way too low...

Ever think the reason there are so many more stiff stick available is because the players aren't using those flexes?

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As for Hull...yea he use 75-80.. but that 1 player on 700 lol...

Not if SRI's estimates are at all close... 3% of around 630 players ... you do the math. Listings of pro-stocks on Ebay and posts on MSH are not representative.

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guys like samsonov use whip flex also.  can't think of anyone else right now but there's more.

The ones I know for sure are:

Avery = LA

Marshall = NJ

McDonald = ANA (used INNO 180 flex shafts back in the day)

Sim = PHI

Blake Sloan (no longer in NHL)

I cannot confirm Matt Cooke in VAN.

When I used to work with Whitney and Sillinger, they were all over the map between 70 and 95, especially Whitney.

I'm sure if I really wanted to go back through my files, I could list most of them.

Funny, i won a rbk 6k from sloan on ebay 2 weeks ago...but his stick was REG Flex, and i would say it was stiffer than my 100 flex stealth!

I thought this guys was in AHL...

Anyways... for which compagny were you rep?

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50% 100

35% 110

10% 120

5%(Too bad for me lol) less than 90


A lot more under 100

Well sorry, from what i see on this board.and ebay...i find it very hard to found lower than 95 flex in pro stock... so i didn't know they were a lot more player using lower than 100 flex

As for Hull...yea he use 75-80.. but that 1 player on 700 lol... and i can't see how a PRO PLAYER can use 65 flex!!! that way too low...

Ever think the reason there are so many more stiff stick available is because the players aren't using those flexes?

Sorry Chadd. my opinions was...

If at 6'1 180 pound...(not near from pro and training each days) i can use 85, and 75 (whip tps) seem too much for me... i can't see a lot of guys using 85 flex...

I know some do...because my whip flex xn10 is a pro stock but still...there is very a few...

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