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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Best Shaft/Blade Combo

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I am currently looking for a new shaft and new blade. I broke my Synergy ST Grip and want to go back to the 2 piece stick instead of 1 piece. I need some ideas for what to get. I want something around the Easton 85 flex area. I want real good puck feel because I was not satisfied with the ST's puck feel. Which shaft/blade combo did u think was the best you had in terms of puck feel?

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If you liked the feel of your ST Grip's shaft, get a Synthesis Grip (you may be able to find them on closeout since Synergy II is coming out) and pair it with a Bauer Vapor XV or Innovative composite blade. In my opinion the Bauer and Inno blades have much better feel than Easton's.

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Try Z bubble paired up any blade under 175 g which is my favorite standard shaft.

or the ultra lite with is a tank and perfect with any blade.

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Z bubble shaft with Z carbon Blade. shaft weighs 275 and the blade 155, so it is a very light combo with great puck feel and durability. I use the 110flex with the forsburg curve.


Here is a picture.

Using this combo at the moment my self!!! Its gr8! I am using 85flex! Sacik. It gives me a good release on my snap shots.

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Z bubble shaft with Z carbon Blade. shaft weighs 275 and the blade 155, so it is a very light combo with great puck feel and durability. I use the 110flex with the forsburg curve.


Here is a picture.

Using this combo at the moment my self!!! Its gr8! I am using 85flex! Sacik. It gives me a good release on my snap shots.

Ill tell you what the last 2 months I have had the oppurtunity to use alot of different sticks: synergy sl,st, Stealth,VaporXX and XXX (I have some real good friends that play hockey with me so we test each others sticks) The synery sl's I broke both in 1 month, the stealth was nice and so was the vapors, but due to $$$$ I decided to go with the Z bubble and si-core carbon---And have been very impressed. Just feels natural in my hands.

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whatever combo you get, make sure the blade compliments the shaft, and vice versa, if a stick is unbalanced it just feels crap

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My favorite stick at the moment is a TPS TriCore3 Z-carbon Drury combo. The TriCore weighs about the same as a Z-bubble, and it's supposed to be more durable. I'm using the whip flex and it's giving my lots of zip on my snapshots.

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either the Rbk 5k or red lite xn10 or bauer X are good shafts and for blades id say inno all the way

as for tapered for r2 xn10 or rbk 6k

If the X really is the TFG, then it's a great standard shaft. The redlight XN10 is a very good one as well.

Nothing I've tried can touch the R2XN10 for me.

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IMO the 5k is mediocre, bad balance decent shot.

xn10 is very nice to play with, shoots rockets but I've snapped 2 of them in 1 month, don't seem that durable.

X shaft aka TFG gold is very nice, but has the wheelbarrow handle (such a shame)

Zbubble,and ZbubbleGrip are very nice sticks but don't seem that durable... deja vu...

Original Redlight. Love it, a Tank for sure and good performance. (and cheap, get it!)

Mission M-2. great shaft but a little too slippery surface. (love them color, very subtle)

Koho Torpedo shaft, scored a ton of goals with it, very commendable but impossible to find anymore (maybe ebay?)

Easton UL, like it. good allround shaft.

XX shaft (only availble in Europe) great shaft PP only downside is it's very boxy (but I have big hands, so actually quite like that) and doesn't come in a grip version. but it performs very well has good balance pretty good weight (290) and looks swell with a black carbon blade. (looks like a XX ops...)

Quite interested in what TPS might come with in the shaft department, love their shafts maybe a grip xn10? Anybody know when the catalog will be out? B)

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I am waiting on my Inno blades, but I am going to pair one up with an SL shaft and see how that works. I'll let you guys know how it works out.

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Posted on Dec 19 2005, 06:37 PM



is that a sythesis si core blade in the z bubble and if it is how did you managed to fit it in. tape? 

No, thats a z-carb

sorry my bad but it looked kind of short. :P another question is it possible to wrap tape on the side of a synthesis blade to make fit in a standard shaft.

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