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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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First game after sharpening..

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My team made it to our rec league's championship game tomorrow night, and I need to get my skates cut..

Problem is, in the first game after a fresh cut I catch alot of edges and tend to fall quite a few times. Usually in the second game after the cut, they hit that sweet spot for a while..

What can I do to soften up my edges just a touch after I get them sharpened? Is there something that I can tell the guy when he sharpens them?

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My team made it to our rec league's championship game tomorrow night, and I need to get my skates cut..

Problem is, in the first game after a fresh cut I catch alot of edges and tend to fall quite a few times. Usually in the second game after the cut, they hit that sweet spot for a while..

What can I do to soften up my edges just a touch after I get them sharpened? Is there something that I can tell the guy when he sharpens them?

just get a shallower hollow, Thats' why you don't like the cut at first, it's because your hollow is too deep for you.

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Just run your blades along a piece of wood to take a little of the edge off and you'll be fine.

I also do this and it seems to help. Sometimes i run them across our team bench, coz its plastic. It takes away some of the edge and makes my stopping feel much better. I recently changed to a shallower hollow and no longer need to do this so maybe that will help too. :)

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Yeah, what type of player are you ? This will depend on the hollow

Does "sucky" count as a type? :D

I've thought about going a little shallower, and I'll probably try that during the next regular season. I'm sort of a straight-away, long turn, maintain my speed, momentum type skater.. Quick, agile, shifty aren't attributes of mine..

For this game though, I really just want the same cut I had with that '2nd game' feel.. I'll try the wood thing..

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Remember know one was a perfect skater at first, remember the fundamentals and practice as much as possible. Keep the knees bent !

Try a cut that is one level lower than you have now.

Good luck !

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I'll 2nd the piece of wood. The LHS I used to go to was a "one hollow" fits all shop. For years I had to run my skates over the wood bench to take the edge off. It's like Colt 45, works everytime.

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When I used to get my skates sharpened at the rink where I play i always had the same problem, but after working in a hockey shop and learning how to sharpen my own skates I've realised that the rink was doing them too deep for me, and that they we either very badly honed or not honed at all. If you can feel burrs on your blades after they've been sharpened it means you're likely in the same boat I was. What ends up happening is that the burrs give extra bite into the ice at first, and then rip off the blade, taking a bit of the edge with it, so your skates lose grip quickly and will perform grip-wise like a shallower hollow, but without the advantages of a shallower hollow (glide speed mainly). What I would suggest is checking for the burrs, and if you find them, get a honing stone to hone them off, and then once you have a bit of free ice time coming up find a better sharpener to experiment with some shallower hollows.

edit for spelling

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Never run across wood, that defeats the purpose of having your skates sharpened. Ever see a NHL pro rubbing his edges on the bench before a game???

Just get a shallower hollow.

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Never run across wood, that defeats the purpose of having your skates sharpened. Ever see a NHL pro rubbing his edges on the bench before a game???

Just get a shallower hollow.

Not at all, it just takes a little of the edge off, which sounds like exactly what this kid wants. Some people just don't like sharp edges, regardless of the size hollow they use.

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Never run across wood, that defeats the purpose of having your skates sharpened. Ever see a NHL pro rubbing his edges on the bench before a game???

Just get a shallower hollow.

I actuall saw Rick Dipietro running his skates across the entrance area to the ice. And I can think of no other reason than to dull his skates just a bit. I also like to run my skates across the floor of the locker room to dull them just a bit. I like my skates right at a half and 9/16 seems just a bit too shallow for me.

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Rubbing on wood or plastic should not be done as a routine. It should be used only as a quick fix for a hollow that is too deep. If you go to the same shop and always have to run the blades through plastic or wood to feel right, you definitely need to shallow up the hollow. If the sharpener does not automatically suggest THAT when you tell him about that habit--move on to a someone who is more qualified...

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I like my skates right at a half and 9/16 seems just a bit too shallow for me.

if you like the 1/2 but sometimes find it abit to sharp and you find the 9/16 not sharp enough you could always go inbetween the 2 hollows which would be 17/32

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Never run across wood, that defeats the purpose of having your skates sharpened.  Ever see a NHL pro rubbing his edges on the bench before a game???

Just get a shallower hollow.

I actuall saw Rick Dipietro running his skates across the entrance area to the ice. And I can think of no other reason than to dull his skates just a bit. I also like to run my skates across the floor of the locker room to dull them just a bit. I like my skates right at a half and 9/16 seems just a bit too shallow for me.

Wasn't that before the shootout or something too? He did it like last week or pretty recently.

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Never run across wood, that defeats the purpose of having your skates sharpened.  Ever see a NHL pro rubbing his edges on the bench before a game???

Just get a shallower hollow.

Not at all, it just takes a little of the edge off, which sounds like exactly what this kid wants. Some people just don't like sharp edges, regardless of the size hollow they use.

It has nothing to do with SHARPNESS. All skates are sharpened to the exact same sharpness. The different hollows change the bite angle of the edges, so if a skate feels too sharp, the bite angle needs to be shallowed. Rubbing on anything, just dulls the edges, which is not a good thing. You DON'T want to take edge off, you want to change the bite ange of the edge.

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Never run across wood, that defeats the purpose of having your skates sharpened.  Ever see a NHL pro rubbing his edges on the bench before a game???

Just get a shallower hollow.

Not at all, it just takes a little of the edge off, which sounds like exactly what this kid wants. Some people just don't like sharp edges, regardless of the size hollow they use.

It has nothing to do with SHARPNESS. All skates are sharpened to the exact same sharpness. The different hollows change the bite angle of the edges, so if a skate feels too sharp, the bite angle needs to be shallowed. Rubbing on anything, just dulls the edges, which is not a good thing. You DON'T want to take edge off, you want to change the bite ange of the edge.

exactly, just go more shallower. and you wont need the wood or plastic thing.

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It has nothing to do with SHARPNESS.  All skates are sharpened to the exact same sharpness.

Exactly - funny how people think that way.

Yeah, but don't you get tired of banging your head against that wall? I've all but given up trying to explain that to people.

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