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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Which standard blades have small hosels?

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I just ordered an inno standard blade...How much shorter is the hosel than a regular standard blade (i.e. z-carbon)

Which standard blades have the smallest hosel?

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CCM and Koho blades have noticeably shorter (½-1inch I guess) hosels than my Bauer's and Inno's

I prefer it, put's the kickpoint slightly lower on the shaft and you avoid some of the flex (if wood) that tends' to occur at the hosel.

I use a Koho for ball-hockey and a Bauer for Inline, the added lenght of the Bauer hosel compensates for the lower profile of the puck (verses a ball) which is perfect for me. Because my stick won't be/feel to short everytime I'm out playing Inline, so I can use the same shaft for both. :D

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The hosel on my Inno Mogliny is at least an inch shorter then my Z-carb. Shortest standard I have ever used. CCM and RBK also make short standard hosels, not sure if they are shorter then Innos though.

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The RC blades I have are about two inches shorter than an Ultra Lite. They come in Modano or Sakic clones.

And the Salming blades have great puck feel.

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The RC blades I have are about two inches shorter than an Ultra Lite. They come in Modano or Sakic clones.

And the Salming blades have great puck feel.

Now they just need to make them in the Hoglund pattern.

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We will for 2006.

However, Jonas Hoglund is using Curve 44, which is an exact match for the Drury. I'm not sure if you are aware of that.

Thanks, I am. Looking forward to 2006. ;)

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