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Why are there more TBlades in NHL?

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This is NOT a topic to discuss if TBlades are good, bad or ugly. I was just wondering why more players are wearing them now than ever before. They started out with some NHL'ers using them. Then it was down to like one or two before the lockout. Now, I see a quite a few more guys with them. Not a million but a definite increase. Regular holders are still king and I can't imagine trading my Mission Pitch holders for anything, but the increase in NHL guys using TBlades is noticeable.

Did TBlade start to pay players? Did they improve it; especially in a stiffer model?

Just wondering if anyone knew the deal.

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I know Seidenberg does because I commented on them to my friend the other night at the game...

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what exactly is the story behind them? are they supposed to be faster, sharper etc? they sound cool, i'll give them that.

search on that ,they have been discussed very very very many times

edit: i wasnt trying to be an asshole :D

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I love them.... not because I use them but because I play defense and I ALWAYS know where the player that has them is in position to me without looking... (click, click, click). I've been to quite a few NHL games this year and haven't seen an increase in their use....

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We had a pair in the shop this week. The blades were not level! Enough said.

Are you saying the new tbade out of the box was not level? I thought they were precision machined.

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We had a pair in the shop this week. The blades were not level! Enough said.

Are you saying the new tbade out of the box was not level? I thought they were precision machined.

So much for precision machined! Must be hype! Just kidding, Jimmy.

The blades were not level. Amazing but true. We do not stock them and will not in the future. Why would guys like you and me who make $ sharpening give it up for t-blades? The t-blade rep could never get that part through his head. And I would never be interested in carrying all the sku's- sizes, hollows, colors, etc. There is a total waste of inventory $.

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We had a pair in the shop this week. The blades were not level! Enough said.

Are you saying the new tbade out of the box was not level? I thought they were precision machined.

So much for precision machined! Must be hype! Just kidding, Jimmy.

The blades were not level. Amazing but true. We do not stock them and will not in the future. Why would guys like you and me who make $ sharpening give it up for t-blades? The t-blade rep could never get that part through his head. And I would never be interested in carrying all the sku's- sizes, hollows, colors, etc. There is a total waste of inventory $.

No you are right, hype is correct. Tblades sales hype is so far fetched it's unbelievable. Supermansteel, never needs sharpening, lasts months, walk on concrete, no problem, melts the ice better, makes you go faster..... blah, blah.

I agree with you on cutting into the sharpening profits. But think, a customer buys a set of tblades, skates once on them then looses and edge from a collision. Next day he's in your store and buys a new $15 set, instead of a $3 sharpening. Could be higher profit margin. ;)

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all three named so far are german.

could be a european thing.

Christian Ehrhoff (Another German) on SJ also wears them if I'm not mistaken.

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We had a pair in the shop this week. The blades were not level! Enough said.

Are you saying the new tbade out of the box was not level? I thought they were precision machined.

So much for precision machined! Must be hype! Just kidding, Jimmy.

The blades were not level. Amazing but true. We do not stock them and will not in the future. Why would guys like you and me who make $ sharpening give it up for t-blades? The t-blade rep could never get that part through his head. And I would never be interested in carrying all the sku's- sizes, hollows, colors, etc. There is a total waste of inventory $.

No you are right, hype is correct. Tblades sales hype is so far fetched it's unbelievable. Supermansteel, never needs sharpening, lasts months, walk on concrete, no problem, melts the ice better, makes you go faster..... blah, blah.

I agree with you on cutting into the sharpening profits. But think, a customer buys a set of tblades, skates once on them then looses and edge from a collision. Next day he's in your store and buys a new $15 set, instead of a $3 sharpening. Could be higher profit margin. ;)

$3 sharpening? We charge $7 here, and its the average of all the shops around

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I've been noticing them alot more as well. Every time I see them, I see who it is that is wearing them. Not once have I seen them on a player that did not have a German sounding name. (too lazy to look up where they are from.)

It's no secret they are more popular in Germany, maybe they just like to stick with what they are used to. That's not the least bit unheard of for an NHL player.

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You know, I never checked for that...

I wonder if mine were when I had them? I did have a problem with the skates slipping out from beneath me.

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I agree with you on cutting into the sharpening profits.  But think, a customer buys a set of tblades, skates once on them then looses and edge from a collision.  Next day he's in your store and buys a new $15 set, instead of a $3 sharpening.  Could be higher profit margin. ;)

Actually, DarkStar is correct. I much prefer the T-Blades, but they will cut into a shop's skate sharpening revenues.

Last Thanksgiving (2004) I put a pair of new blades on, and then I put another pair on in June. When I've felt them becoming duller, I've used the side stone that's available. I've done that two or three times on each set. That's $30 for two pairs of blades, versus at least 25 sharpenings I would have done otherwise. I should put on a new set, but I've been busy or lazy, take your pick. :P

However, I don't wear the T-Blades because of cost savings. The slight flex in the blade increases the turning radius, and that is my main reason for wearing them.

Regarding more NHLers wearing them, the word I heard is the first wave of adoptees has moved through the ranks until they're now finally reaching the NHL.

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I have yet to try them myself , lots of Demos here in Canada.

I had the Quick Blades once on my 502's , they were terrible , if the blade was not perfectly on the holder, it would not work. , after this bad choice , I was scared to even try the t-blade system

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A kid just walked in with Vector 110 ZG with t-blades. I had to look. The left boot was not level and the right was ok. The kid kept asking "what are you doing?" " Ah, nothing." he paid $275 but I didn't ruin his day. He had already skated on them 3 times.

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A kid just walked in with Vector 110 ZG with t-blades. I had to look. The left boot was not level and the right was ok. The kid kept asking "what are you doing?" " Ah, nothing." he paid $275 but I didn't ruin his day. He had already skated on them 3 times.

Within three skates I had completely deformed the last set of t'blades I tried. Combined with the terrible pitch it wasn't a pleasant experience.

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I love my Tblades. I guess the bitter shop owners who have never used them can say whatever they want. I like my blades very shrap. I would have my skates sharpened once a week at the minimum when skating 5 days a week. A set of Tblades lasts me at least a month. And the crap about them being loud, that is just because they are very sharp. Make a sharp turn right after you get your skates cut, same sound, it isnt just a Tblade phenomenon

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